Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

222 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 50 (20146) 
10°C. Deviations from the former are thought to originate from the additions of other alloying Einflı 
elements predominantly Mn which is known to raise the temperature of ferrite formation. Härte 
V. Walt 
There is a generally very good correlation between the values obtained from electrical resistance Ynstitut 
measurements when compared with data from the literature and metallographic analysis. We can 2Bundesa 
therefore confidently deem the method suitable for the study of phase transformations in steels. The 
current results have shown that diffusional phase transformations are clearly visible in all of the 
studied steels. It has been presented that different data can be obtained from such investigations 
such as carbide dissolution, leading to a more in-depth overall understanding of materials behavior. 1 E 
The current experimental setup has the drawback of a limited amount of cooling rates and future 
work will be directed towards studies of accelerated cooling/quenching. Which would make in-situ Umber 
electrical resistance measurements a viable method for the construction of CCT diagrams. wurden 
Diese eı 
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5. P.L. Rossiter, The Electrical Resistivity of Metals and Alloys, Cambridge University Press, 1987. ein LTT 
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12. F. L. G. Oliveira, M. S. Andrade, a. B. Cota, Mater. Charact. 2007, 58, 256. 5] und i 
13. T. G. Digges, S. J. Rosenberg, Natl. Bur. Stand. 1942, 29, 113. lichst ef 
14. O. G. Kasatkin, B. B. Vinokur, V. L. Pilyushenko, Met. Sci. Heat Treat. 1984, 26, 27. anzustre 
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