Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

102 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 52 (2018) 
The annealing of fine carbide-free lower bainite has proven a successful means of 
obtaining microstructures with superior machinability performance. This was achieved 
without the introduction of particles or phases which could lead to the degradation of 
mechanical properties or polishability. A fully annealed microstructure was obtained after : 
reasonably short annealing times, very short if viewed from the perspective of graphite 
formation. It can be seen that bainite and martensite behave differently upon annealing 
as the prior martensitic regions are clearly identifiable after annealing in the High C-Al 
steel. Further work should be conducted on a more detailed study on the fraction and 
morphology of graphite and the exact ratios required for a transition from cementite. ABSTR 
The authors would like to thank dr. Henrik Kaker for performing the XRD measurements, ® “ 
and dr. Peter Majeri€ for his help with FESEM characterization. Am 
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