Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 52 (2018) 309 
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mentation Input image tile -ansposed convolution Training: 
*Qmentation » ADAM optimizer (ß, = 0.9, B, = 0.999, £ = 1e) 
Convolution + (Batch utpat segmentation map constant learning rate fe 
Normiization) + Rell constant weight decay tes 
Max-pooling opied and cropped feature Training and Evaluation: 
map » dropout probability 0.8 
N er Fig. 2: U-Net architecture as presented by Ronneberger et al. [2] 
3 07 the used 
Weim 3, Preprocessing 
' map had to 
tere IS no The segmented images in the initial dataset are JPEG compressed [6] as shown in the 
luton of the left image in Fig. 3. Thus at the segmented borders the color values differ slightly 
compared to their intended classes. But each pixel must be unambiguously assigned to 
In which the one of three classes (blue for gamma, yellow for beta, white for background). This was 
done by thresholding the RGB-values. 
ah resolution 
cures in the 
as published 
tion was no 
5 after each 
© epochs as 
N Fig. 3: JPEG compressed ground truth segmentation map on the left and normalized 
j for ert ground truth segmentation map on the right. 
& using the 
| The used dataset contains images of low contrast. These images are characterized by a 
layer rainet small grey value difference between neighboring pixels. This makes it very hard to 
Union (mlod automatically distinguish dark and bright patches from grey areas. For these images we 
went {area used a technique for adapting and enhancing the contrast called Contrast Limited Adaptive 
n relation Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) [7]. 
Besides the grey value also the size and shape of the microstructural constituent 
determine its class. Therefore all images have to have the same scale, where scale in this 
context means meters per pixels. For the initial data set there were in total 44 different 
resolutions from which 2560 x 1920 was chosen as base resolution. Images with a

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