Full text: Einführung in die Buchkunde

200 IIl.Das Buch und seine Teile 
flor. (e) = floriated larg. dent. (f) = larges dentelles 
fol. (e, f, I) = folio l. a. s. (f) = lettre autographe 
fold. (e) = folding signee 
front. (e, f) = frontispice libr. (f) = libraire 
gauf. (f) = gaufre libr. ed. (f) = libraire Editeur 
g. ch. (1) = gothicis characteri- lig. (f) = ligne 
bus litt. init. for. (1) = litterae ini- 
g- ce. (e) == gilt edges tiales florentes 
goth. (e, f) = gothic, gothique livr. (f) = livraison 
gt. (f)' = grave Il. (e) = leaves 
grav. (f) = gravure Il. (e, I) = long lines, lineae 
gr. marg. (f) = grandes marges longae 
gr. pap. (f) = grand papier m. (f) = maroquin 
gr. s. b. (If) = grave sur bois maj., 4. maj. (I) = (quarto) 
gr. s. c. (f) = grave sur cuivre maiore 
g.t. (e) = gilt top mar. (f) = maroquin 
hf. cf. (e) = half'calf marb. (f) = marbre 
hf. cl. (e) = half cloth m. b. (f) = maroquin bleu 
hf. cf. (e) = half calf m. br. (f) = maroquin brun 
hf. mor. (e) = half morocco m. citr. (f) = maroquin citron 
hf. russ. (e) = half russian m. du L. (f) = maroquin du Le- 
hf. sheep (e) = half sheep vant 
hf. vell. (e) = half vellum m. j. (f) = maroquin jaune 
ib. (1) = ibidem min. (f) = miniature 
id. (1) = idem min., 4. min. (1) = (quarto) mi- 
ill. (e, f) = illustration, illustrated nore 
ill. (1) = illustravit miss. (e) = missing 
imp. (1) = impensis m. n. (f) = maroquin noir 
imp. 4to (e) = imperial quarto m. 0. (f) = maroquin olive 
impr. (f, I) = imprime, impres- m. r. (f) = maroquin rouge 
sum, impressit m. v. (f) = maroquin vert 
inc. (1) = incipit mouill. (f) = mouillures 
inc. (f) = incomplet ms. (e, f) = manuscript, manu- 
incun. (f) = incunable scrit 
int. (f) = interieur' mscr. (1) = manuscriptum 
1. (f) = lave n. d. (e) = no date 
1. (e) = ]eaf no (f, I) = numero

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