Full text: The history of Herodotus (Vol. 4)

A.D . 
duced, 163 ; offer submission to Cyrus, Agron, i. 150. Aly 
265; send an embassy to Sparta, 275;  Agylla, i. 410. al. 
submit to Harpagus, 289; accompany  Ahasuerus, iv. 253. Alu 
Cambyses to Egypt, ii. 1, 401; in. Ajax, iii. 266, 428; iv. 306, 351. A 
cluded in the satrapies of Darius, Aji-Su, river, i. 565. 
484 ; take part in the revolt of Aris- Akhmatha, i. 226. ¥ 
tagoras, iii. 315; help Histiseus, 422; Akkadian language, i. 303. 
serve in the fleet of Xerxes, iv. 81; Alabanda, iv. 158, 363. 
anciently Pelasgians, 81. Alabaster, ii. 420, 421. 
Aolidee, iv. 285. Alalia, i. 286. 
Aolis, i. 274; iii. 815; a name of Thes-  Alarodians, account of, ii. 487 ; iv. 226; 
saly, iv. 145. identified with Ararat, iv. 245. 
Aolus, iv. 159. Alazir, iii. 140. 
Aéropus, 1. a son of Temenus, iv. 8364:  Alazonians, iii. 14, 46, 208. 
2. the grandfather of Amyntas, 366; Alceeus, 1. a son of Hercules, i. 149; 
3. a son of Phegeus, 392. 2. the poet, iii. 296. 
Alsanius, iii. 122. Alcamenes, iv. 165. 
Aschines, iii. 477. Alcanor, i. 209. 
Aschreas, iv. 270. Alcetas, iv. 366. 
Alschrionia, a tribe at Samos, ii. 426. Alcibiades, iv. 274. 
Aschylus, ii. 238. Alcides, iii. 448. 
Alsop, ii. 210. Alcimachus, iii. 478. 
Aétion, iii. 290. Alemseeon, 1. father of Megacles, i. 183 ; 
Aitolia, iii. 502. 2. son of Megacles, iii. 499, 500. 
Africa, see Libya; circumnavigated by  Alcmeeonidee, banished by Pisistratids, 
Neco, ii. 383 ; iii. 33 ; meaning of, 39. iii. 260 ; bribe the Delphic oracle, 261 ; 
African desert, iii. 160. under a curse, 270; accused of being 
Agaeus, iii. 504. in league with the Persians, 497 ; de- 
Agamemnon, i. 191; iv. 130. fended by Herodotus, 498; their an- 
Agarista, 1. daughter of Clisthenes, con- tiquity and wealth, 499 ; family tree 
tention for, iii. 501; marriage of, 506 ; of, 507. 
2. daughter of Hippocrates, iii. 506. Alcmena, ii. 79. 
Agasicles, i. 269. Alcon, iii. 504. 
Agathoérgi, i. 192. Alea, i. 191; iv. 423. 
Agathyrsi, iii. 42, 90, 98, 102. Aleian plain, iii. 472. 
Agathyrsus, iii. 8. Aleunade, iv. 5, 107, 141. 
Agbal, iv. 83. Aleuas, iv. 430. 
Agbatana, 1. Syrian, ii. 460; 2. Median, Alexander, son of Amyntas, his wealth, 
i. 225, 239, 277 ; ii. 462. iii. 222 ; destroys the Persian embassy, 
Age, respect paid to, ii. 132. 225 ; gives his sister in marriage to 
Agenor, iv. 79. Bubares, 225; contends at Olympia, 
Agesilaiis, 1. a Spartan king of the 226 ; advises the Greeks to retire 
upper house, iv. 165; 2. a Spartan from Tempé, iv. 142; his statue at 
king of the lower house, 358. Delphi, 352; goes as Persian ambas- 
Agétus, iii. 448. sador to Athens, 863 ; his address to 
Agidee, family tree of, iii. 325 ; iv. 378. the Athenians, 366; failure of his 
Agis, 1. grandfather of Leotychides, iii. mission, 370; communicates Persian 
450 ; 2. ancestor of Leonidas, iv. 165. plans to the Greeks, 412. 
Aglaurus, sanctuary of, iv. 301. —————, son of Priam, ¢.e. Paris, his 
Aglomachus, iii. 139. rape of Helen, 1.146 ; arrival in Egypt, 
Agora, iv. 52. ii. 184; arrest by Thonis, 185 ; not ab 
Agrianes, river, iii. 81. Troy during the siege, 189. 
Agrianians, iii. 220. Ali-Allahis of Persia, i. 258. 
Agricultural operations in Egypt, ii. 18.  Alilat, ii. 408. 
Agrigentum, iv. 134. Alitta, 1. 257. 

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