4) ws =>
iii. 17, 89; manners of, 91 ; refuse to Asia as Triopian, 269 ; near Acraephia 15
help the Scythians, 98; their country as Ptoan, iv. 362; at Sparta, iii. 444; ATC:
traversed by Darius, 102. identified with the Egyptian Horus, Arce
Andros, iii. 27, 232; siege of, iv. 345; ii. 222, 238; with the Scythian ”
siege raised, 351. (Htosyrus, iii. 50; tale of his flaying
Anéristus, 1. father of Sperthias, iv. Marsyas, iv. 29; of the introduction
110; 2. son of Sperthias, 112; i. 90. of his worship at Metapontum, iii.
Angites, river, iv. 94. 13; of his invocation by Creesus, i.
Angrus, river, iii. 43. 213; of his reply to the reproaches
Animals, Egyptian veneration for, ii. of Craesus, 215. A
109; burial of, 113; of Africa, iii. Apollonia, 1. a town on the Euxine, iii.
166, 167. 80; 2. a town on the Ionian Gulf, iv. ir
Anopeea, iv. 172. 445. in
Antacoei, iii. 47. Apollophanes, iii. 422. r
Antagoras, iv. 434. Apollo’s fountain, iii, 129. r
Antandrus, iii. 229; iv. 42. Apophis, ii. 427. a
Anthéla, iv. 145, 162. Apries, his reign, ii. 245; death, 254;
Anthemus, iii. 295. conquests, 385; war with Nebuchad- un
Anthylla, ii. 162. nezzar, i. 531; his daughter Nitetis,
Antichares, iii. 242. ii. 402.
Anticyra, iv. 160, 171. Apsynthians, iii. 427 ; iv. 463. .
Antidorus, iv. 270. Arabia, its physical geography, i. 598; )
Antiochus, iv. 404. reaches the Mediterranean, ii. 405; :
Antipater, iv. 96. one of the extreme regions of the
Antiphémus, iv. 124. earth, 497; exhales a sweet odour, 7
Antiquity, pretensions of various tribes 502; its soil, 15; position, iii. 34; Je
10,11. 2. extends into Africa, ii. 10, 241. =
Ants, Indian, ii. 494. Arabian Gulf, position and size, ii. 14; An
Anu, the Assyrian God, i. 612. joined by a canal to the Nile, 241; Gc
Anysis, a king of Egypt, ii. 215. ships built on it by Necos, 242. Ki
——— one of the Egyptian nomes, ii. Arabians, their good faith, ii. 406 ; mode vl
251. of taking oaths, 406 ; worship, i. 257, =
———, a city of Egypt, ii. 215. 323; customs, ii. 497, 500; allow Aa
Anysus, iv. 83. Cambyses to pass through their £3
Aparytee, account of, iv. 211. country, 408; pay Darius an annual 4
Apaturia, i. 272. gift, 488; serve in army of Xerxes, /
Apheteo, iv. 157, 266, 267, 270. iv. 64, 74; Sennacherib their king,
Aphidnae, iii. 487 ; iv. 353, 432. i. 219.
Aphrodisias, iii. 143. Arabian spices, ii. 497 ; sheep, 502.
Aphthis, ii. 251. Aram-Naharaim, its physical geography,
Aphytis, iv. 99. ° i. 592 ; signification of the word, 592.
Apia, iii. 50. Arad, i. 144.
Apidanus, iv. 106, 158. Aradus, i. 604; iv. 83.
Apis, an Egyptian town, ii. 27. Ararat, its true position, iv. 246.
Apis, an Egyptian god, ii. 68, 233; Ararus, iii. 42.
identified with Epaphus, 68, 427; Aras, i. 563.
appearance of, 428: burial-place of, Araxes, i. 825; iil. 9, 32.
430. Arbaces, i. 394, 401.
—— stele, i. 486; ii. 379, 380, 384. Arcadia, i. 191; iii. 355.
Apollo, his oracles; at Delphi, i. 175; Arcadians, attacked by Spartans, i.191;
iv. 174, &c. ; at Abe, i. 285; iv. 361; iii. 829 ; assist the Messenians, 354;
at Branchide, i. 174, 279 ; ii. 243 ; at incited to attack Sparta by Cleomenes,
Patara, i. 804; at Ptoiim, iv. 362; 456 ; send troops to Thermopylae, iv.
his worship at Thornax, i. 194; at 164; furnish a few desertersto Xerxes,
Thebes as Ismenian, 178, 217; in 279: send troops to Plateea, 8396 ; of