Full text: Bis gegen das lezte Viertheil des achtzehenden Jahrhunderts (8. Abtheilung, II, 2. Band)

T00 1. Zeitalter der neueren "Geschichte, 
2. Two eslays concerning the unsuccessfullness 
of Experiments, containing divers admonitions 
and observativus (chiefly chymical ) touching 
that subject oder Tenramina quaedam de infido 
experimentorum succellu. 
3. Some Specimens of an Attempt, to make, che- 
mical- experiments vsefull, to illustrate the No- 
tions of the. corpuscylar Philosophy. oder Spe» 
eimen unum -'atque alterum, e quibus conslat, 
quantopere ..experimenta :chymica philosophiae 
corpuscularis illustratioai inserviant.: 1%), 
t. A pbysico - chemical essay containing an Expe- 
riment touching the different 'Parts and Redinte- : 
gration of. Salt » petre, oder Tentamen physico- 
chymicum continens experimentum circa varias, 
ac multiplices partes nitri et: ejusdem redinte- : 
grationem , una cum Atomicis quibusdam con- , 
siderätionibus; indidem“'ortis; 
;- History of Fluidity and Firmaels , oder Historia 
Fiuiditatis et Firmitatis *). 
5. (in der zwoten englischen Ausgabe) Discourse 1. 
about the absolute rest of bodies. | 
2. Sceptical Chemist: or Chemico » physical 
Doubts: and. Paradoxes touching: the Experiments , 
whereby vulgar Spagirisls are wont to endeavour to 5 
evince their Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, to be the 
true Principles of. Things. „Oxford. 1661. und with E 
divers Experiments and“ Notes about the Producible- x 
ness of chemical Principles. 1679. 1680 und 1690. 
Londin. 1662. Works, B.1. S. 290-419. lateinisch 
| WD mit 
1) welche zu Amsterdam 1667. in lateinischer Sprache 12. 
auch einzeln herausgekommen ist.

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