T00 1. Zeitalter der neueren "Geschichte,
2. Two eslays concerning the unsuccessfullness
of Experiments, containing divers admonitions
and observativus (chiefly chymical ) touching
that subject oder Tenramina quaedam de infido
experimentorum succellu.
3. Some Specimens of an Attempt, to make, che-
mical- experiments vsefull, to illustrate the No-
tions of the. corpuscylar Philosophy. oder Spe»
eimen unum -'atque alterum, e quibus conslat,
quantopere ..experimenta :chymica philosophiae
corpuscularis illustratioai inserviant.: 1%),
t. A pbysico - chemical essay containing an Expe-
riment touching the different 'Parts and Redinte- :
gration of. Salt » petre, oder Tentamen physico-
chymicum continens experimentum circa varias,
ac multiplices partes nitri et: ejusdem redinte- :
grationem , una cum Atomicis quibusdam con- ,
siderätionibus; indidem“'ortis;
;- History of Fluidity and Firmaels , oder Historia
Fiuiditatis et Firmitatis *).
5. (in der zwoten englischen Ausgabe) Discourse 1.
about the absolute rest of bodies. |
2. Sceptical Chemist: or Chemico » physical
Doubts: and. Paradoxes touching: the Experiments ,
whereby vulgar Spagirisls are wont to endeavour to 5
evince their Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, to be the
true Principles of. Things. „Oxford. 1661. und with E
divers Experiments and“ Notes about the Producible- x
ness of chemical Principles. 1679. 1680 und 1690.
Londin. 1662. Works, B.1. S. 290-419. lateinisch
| WD mit
1) welche zu Amsterdam 1667. in lateinischer Sprache 12.
auch einzeln herausgekommen ist.