Full text: Bis gegen das lezte Viertheil des achtzehenden Jahrhunderts (8. Abtheilung, II, 2. Band)

750 2. Zeitälter 
Heberden von dem Brunnenwasser zu London *) 
Johann Rotheram vom Wasser überhaupt *), IJ. 
Iuintoon *), Rob. Pierce *?), Th. Guidot*), 
Wilh. Oliver *) und Wilh. Falconer *) vom 
Wasser zu Barh, IJ. Soame von dem Wasser zu 
HDamsiead *?), T. Tavernier von demjenigen zu Wi- 
tham ), JI. Shebre von demjenigen zu Bristol 8), 
Wiih. Hilary von demjenigen zu Hincomb *), Died. 
strated and confirmed by pradical observations. With 
a.descriptive Relation of Bareges. "To which is added 
an Enquiry into the Cause of Heat in bituninous Wa- 
ters and of their specific variation. London. 8. New 
Edit. greatly enlarged. 1764. ins Teutsche übersezt von 
C. F. S. Hahnemann. Leipzig. 1777. 8. 
x) Medical TransaGions , publiihed by the College of 
physicians at London, B..1, ur. 1, S. 126. 
y) A philosophical inquiry into the nature and properties 
of water, with elegant eopper - plates , figures of the 
several salts. Newcatßile, 1770. 8. 
z) Of mineral waters particularly of Bath., Lond, 1733. 8. 
a) Bath - memoirs and observations made in 43 Years 
Prattice. Brißol, 8. 1617, 1763. 
b) 1. The register of Bath or 209 observations containing 
an account of cures performed by the Hotwells at Bath. 
London. 1694.8. 2. Apology for Bath. Lond. 1708.8. 
3. Colleion of treatises concerning the city and waters 
of Bath, 1725. 8. 
c) Pratical Discourse of Bathwaters concerning the anti- 
quities of Bathivg, the cauie of the hot Bath water and 
of taeir ingredients. Londou, 1716. 8, 
3) An Eflay on the Bathwaters in four parts, 12. I. Con- 
taining a prefatory introduction on the study of mineral 
waters in general, 1770. 
ec) Hanpftcad Weils, London, 1734. 8. 
(€) Witham. Spaw. London. 1732. 8. '*' 
9) NW ange of Briftol waters, 1742, 
b«). SCuttnts Gt Hincomb- Spawater, Londou, 1746:

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