Full text: Tabelle der wichtigsten organischen Verbindungen geordnet nach Schmelzpunkten

Dimethyl- adipinsäure Sachregister. Dioxy -benzophenon 
ß, B-Dimethyl-adipinsäure 36. 1, 2-Dinitro-benzol 53. 
2-Dimethylamino-4-amino-1-toluol- 1, 3-Dinitro-benzol 37, 38. 
chlorhydrat 94. 1, 4-Dinitro-benzol 80. 
4-Dimethylamino-1 -benzaldehyd 2, 4-Dinitro-benzyliden -anilin 63, 
29. 4, ’-Dinitro-bibenzyl 83, 84, 
2-Dimethylamino-1, 4-kresol 15. 2, 4’-Dinitro- biphenyl 39, 
5-Dimethylamino-phenol 35, 36. 4, 4’-Dinitro- biphenyl 95, 100, 101. 
Dimethyl-anilin 6. 1, 3-Dinitro-carbanilid 104. 
2-Dimethylanilin -sulfonsäure 100. 1, 3-Dinitro-4-chlor-benzol 17. 
4- Dimethylanilin - sulfonsäure 105. 2, 6-Dinitro-4-chlor-phenol 33. 
1, 3-Dimethyl-5-äthyl-benzol 4. 2, 4’-Dinitro-diphenyl 39. 
1, 4-Dimethyl-3-äthyl-benzol 4. 4, 4’-Dinitro-diphenyl. 95, 1 00, 101. 
Dimethyl-äthyl-essiysäure 5. 2-Dinitro-diphenylamin, symm, 95, 
2, 4-Dimethyl-benzaldehyd 5. 97. 
1, 2-Dimethyl-4-benzaldehyd- phe- 2, 4-Dinitro-diphenylamin 78. 
nylhydrazon 38. 4-Dinitro- diphenylamin, symm. 95, 
2, 5-Dimethyl -benzaldehyd-phenyl- 96. 
hydrazon 385. 2, 4-Dinitro-1, 3-kresol 42. 
2, 4- Dimethyl-benzoesäure 62. 3, 5-Dinitro-1, 2-kresol 35, 
Dimethyl- bernsteinsäure, asym. 65. 1, 3-Dinitro-naphtalin 67. 
3, 3/-Dimethyl-bipyridyl 57. 1, 5-(«-) Dinitro-naphtalin 95, 96. 
1, 4-Dimethyl- 2, 5-chinon 56, 57, 1, 6-Dinitro-naphtalin 75, 
Dimethyl-cumarinsäure 98, 1, 8-Dinitro-naphtalin 79. 
1,3- Dimethyl-4, 6 - dioxy - benzoe- 2, 4-Dinitro-1-naphtol 65. 
säure 89, 2, 4-Dinitro-orecin 77. 
«, «-Dimethyl-glutarsäure 35. 2, 3- Dinitro-phenol 67. 
2, 5-Dimethyl-hydrochinon 94. 2, 4-Dinitro-phenol 52. 
Dimethyl-isopropyl-carbinol 5. 3, 4-Dinitro-phenol 63. 
1, 4-Dimethyl-naphtalin 4. 2, 4-Dinitro-resorcin 67. 
2, 6- Dimethyl-naphtalin 49. 3, 5-Dinitro-salieylsäure 81. 
ß-Dimethyl-naphtylamin 15. 2, 4-Dinitro-toluol 28, 
Dimethyl-phosphinsäure 30. 3, 4-Dinitro-toluol 22. 
Dimethyl-tricarballylsäure 69. 3, 5-Dinitro-toluol 37, 
«, B-Dimethyl-umbelliferon 105. 2, 6-Dinitro-1, 4-xylol 56. 
x-(«, ß-) Dinaphtazin 107. 4, 6-Dinitro-1, 3-xylol 39. 
B-Dinaphtyl-1, 2-äthan 105, 1, 2-Dinaphtyl 30. 
1, 8-(1’, 8-) Dinaphtylen 106. «, «-Dinaphtyl 72. 
3, 5-Dinicotinsäure 109, 1, 2, «-Dinaphtyl-äthan 75. 
2, 4-Dinitro-anilin 85, 87. «, B-Dinaphtyl-keton 64. 
2, 5-Dinitro-anilin 65, ß, B-Dinaphtyl-keton 58, 77. 
2, 6-Dinitro-anilin. 65, «-Dinaphtyl-methan 48. 
3, 4-Dinitro-anilin 72. ß-Dinaphtyl-methan 38. 
3, 5-Dinitro-anilin 74, Diox-indol 84, 
x%-Dinitro-anthrachinon 105, 106. Dioxy-aceton 26. 
6-Dinitro-anthrachinon 107. 1, 8-Dioxy-anthracen 97. 
2, 4-Dinitro-benzaldehyd 28. 2, 4-Dioxy-benzaldehyd 63. 
2, 4-Dinitro-benzaldehyd-semicarb- 2, 5-Dioxy -benzaldehyd 42. 
azon 106. 2, 3-Dioxy-benzoesäure 92. 
2, 4- Dinitro- benzaldoxim 59. 2, 4-Dioxy-benzoesäure 92. 
2, 4-Dinitro-benzoesäure 85. 2, 5-Dioxy-benzoesäure 90. 
2, 5-Dinitro-benzoesäure 83, 3, 4-Dioxy -benzoesäure 89, 
2, 6- Dinitro-benzoesäure 92, 3, 5-Dioxy-benzoesäure 99, 100. 
3, 5- Dinitro- benzoesäure 92. 1, 2-Dioxy-benzophenon 67. 

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