Full text: The Religion of the soul

and sentiment are created for the sole purpose of fol- 
lowing, of knowing and of loving God as our eternal 
Creator, Lord and Father. 
Therefore, I believe in our affinity and allegiance 
to God and in the imitation of God, in order that we 
may participate in, cooperate with and affirm the 
eternal grandeur of His holiest Life, for the sake of 
His Holiness and our sanctification, for the sake 
of His Truth and our truthfulness, and for the sake 
of His eternal Love, the source, sublimity and true 
joy of our life. 
And I believe in the virtue of humility, consist- 
ing in faith, devotion and gratitude to God, and 
in the virtues of fortitude, beatitude, divine light, 
wisdom, simplicity, pure love, righteousness and 
goodness, as the sole path of sanctification and 
ascent to the heavenly life of glory, light and beati- 
So help me God! Amen.

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