Full text: The Religion of the soul

The Religion of the Soul 
W hat is religion? 
Religion according to its Latin derivation “re- 
ligere,” “to esteem,” and “‘religare,” “to bind,” 
means the holy bond between God and the soul. 
This holy bond demands the knowledge of God, 
the knowledge of the soul and the knowledge of 
the souls relation to God. These are the three 
essential Objects of religion. 
It is/the absolute demand of our conscience that 
i God and our soul in order to understand 
clerly our relation to Him. 
J Lorne of God arises from unwillingness and 
neglect of the understanding of things divine, and 
is in itself sinful, a fact which has never been suf- 
ficiently impressed on the human conscience. 
From the ignorance of God follows the ignorance 
of our soul, and this ignorance causes confusion and 
sinfulness. If we do not know the absolute source 
of our being it is impossible to understand rightly

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