because self-sentiency is the center of the heart, the
fruitional focus of the soul’s life.
The chief labor of the will dwells in its self-
sentiency, the sentimental ground in which all senti-
ments are implanted and cultivated in order to bear
the sacrificial fruit of holy life.
For this reason the sentiments which the will has
chosen, acquired and placed in its heart constitute
the real property of the soul, which neither God nor
man can destroy without the consent of the soul's
[n this fact the freedom of the will is seen most
clearly. Sentiments cannot be wholly given away
nor can they be taken away. They constitute the
most deeply inrooted property of the soul. They
can however be uplifted by divine operation or de-
based by willful rejection of the divine operation in
In what relation is consciousness to self-conscious-
ness ?
Consciousness relates to self-consciousness as does
the movement to the motor. Consciousness is the
course of self-consciousness by which the self-con-
scious will obtains general knowledge.
The principle of intellect lies in self-consciousness,
as the integral part of the soul’s will, while intellect.