The property boundary marks from the prints are trans-
ferred to the diapositive by means of a mirror stereoscope.
In this operation a flat model is used, that is to say, the paper
print and the diapositive are both printed from the same
The time has now come to begin the actual plotting.
This is principally carried out on a Wild's Autograph B 8
or a Santoni II C. Instruments of higher orders can of course
also be used.
Most firms now draw all constructed features, water systems
and contours in pencil on one and the same polyester foil.
'The soil classification boundaries are then drawn on a
separate foil.
Map Content.
In accordance with the decisions made, the map shall show:
1. N.G.O. and other official reference points for which
the client provides the coordinates and altitudes.
2. Built-up areas, communications, technical features on
and above the ground which can reasonably be repro-
duced on a scale of 1 : 5 000.
3. Coastlines, water and water systems which can be re-
produced on a scale of 1:5 000.
Property boundaries.
Soil classification boundaries.
Official boundaries.
ao woe
Ancient monuments which are marked on the map
insofar as they are registered on aerial photographs by
the registry services of the archoeological museums.
Generally, the mapping of constructed features, water
systems and contours is completed first. Next, the one dia-
positive is removed from the instrument and replaced by a
diapositive or Cronaflex copy on which the property bound-
aries have been marked.
After mapping the property boundaries the boundary
diapositive is replaced by the Cronaflex copy with the soil
classification boundaries, while the soil classification foil is
overlaid on the base foil. Registration between the two foils