Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

alion, 28. 
and dis- 
ad study, 
ol, 186. 
aid,” by 
Michael Angelo, 36. 
Michalais, M., 321. 
Michaud, Gustav, 12. 
Michigan, 82, 69, 92, 179, 246, 324, 386, 
509, 527, 681. 
Michigan College, 383. 
Michigan Journal of Education, 832. 
Michigan School Moderator, 832. 
Michigan Teacher, 832. 
Middle High German, a practical study, 
Middlebury College, 93. 
\liddletown, Conn., 91, 142, G80. 
ijares, Mrs. M. del Real y, 68. 
Milan, Italy, 246. 
Military school at Woolwich, 186. 
Mill, John Stuart, 47. 
Millar, A. C., 90. 
Millar, John, 4, 68, 883, 405, 455, 466. 
Miller, C. C., 69. 
Miller, KE. D., 386. 
Miller, L. 'W., 455, 457. 
Millions bestowed on universities, 167. 
Mills Brothers, 840. 
Mills, C. T., 90. 
Mills, J. J., 91. 
Mills, J. S., 669, 681, 686. 
Mill, Stuart, 170. 
Milne, James M., 386. 
Milne, William J., 386. 
Milne-Ed wards, M., 89. 
Milton College, 93. 
Milton, John, 21, 170, 171. 
Milton, what do with him ? 129. 
Milton, Wis., 93. 
Milwaukee, Wis., 70, 825, 351, 386, 681. 
knowledge of, 18. 
:ransition of, 28. 
contradistinetion from biological phe- 
nomenon, 29. 
Minds and intellects of Frenchmen, 169. 
Minersville, Ga., 178, 223. 
lines, School of, in Columbia College, 525. 
Minfeld, Germany, 323. 
Mingis, Clara W., 823. 
of time, 50. 
in a secondary school, 195. 
Ministers’ Employment Club, 187. 
Ministers of education, 
W. T. Harris, 25. 
of Russia, 37, 48, 304. 
of France, 89, 168. 
G. W. Ross, 40. 
of Argentine, 57. 
Ministry of public instruction 
of Russia, 87, 85. 
of France, 39. 
Minneapolis, Minn., 92, 180, 324, 383, 386, 
391, 509, 591. 
Minnesota, 14, 69, 92, 179, 246, 324, 386, 
509, 591, 681. 
Minuteness with which course of study is 
followed. 191. 
Miranda, Julian O., 246. 
lissemer, H. C., 591. 
dississippi, 69, 92, 886, 527, 591, 681. 
Mississippi College, 92. 
Missouri, 69, 92, 179, 324, 386, 509, 527, 
591, 616, 681, 716. 
Wissowrs Educator, 842. 
Wissourt Journal of Education, 842. 
Wissouri School Journal, 842. 
Wissouri Teacher, 842. 
Wissourt Teacher, The, 843. 
Wissourt Valley College, 679. 
litchel, F. Mason, 591. 
fitchell, E. C., 91, 324. 
ditchell, S. T., 92. 
lobile, Ala., 67. 
Model or training schools, 383, 387. 
in clay, 6, 8. 
in wax, 8. 
in other materials, 8, 
Models used in drawing, 8. 
Modern educator, eminent, 21. 
Modern languages, 
choice of, 6. 
or Latin, which first ? 178, 234, 235. 
are but gruel by the side of Greek, 
Modern science a new world, 17. 
Modifications in the primary school, 7, 
321, 342. 
Johammedan schools, success of, 186. 
dohn, T. N., 92. 
dolkenboer, W. B. G., 457. 
‘fommsen’s charge, 157. 
Tonarchical institutions, 37. 
Money spent for education, 118. 
Woniteur de la Ligue Girondine de U Edu- 
cation Physique, 849. 
Honiteur des Exercises Physiques, 849. 
Honiteur du Jeune Age, 848. 
Jonod, M. G., 89. 
Tonopoly intolerant, 188. 
ilonroe, W. S., 67, 178, 217, 826. 
Tonseur, Eugene, 89, 590. 
ont, Don Pedro, 12. 
Montague, A. P., 179. 
fontana, 92. 
Jontauban, France, 245. 
Jdontefiore, Arthur, 590. 
fontevideo, Uruguay, 13, 57, 68, 179, 246. 
Montpelier, Vt., 325. 
Montreal, Can., 178, 385. 
dontz, Mr., 508, 522. 
Moore, Anna R. Osborne, 456, 500. 
:loore, Gordon B., 681. 
Toore, Hobart, 617. 
[oore, H. K., 885. 
{oore, Miss M. J., 823. 
‘loore’s Hill, Ind., 91. 
doral and religious instruction, 6, 18, 
Horal evolution of the child, 713. 
Jorale of the school, 193. 
JTorality necessary, 66. 
orals in elementary schools, 6.

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