Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

>apers presented by : 
Williams, S. G., 440. 
Wilmarth, H. M., 23. 
Wilson, Woodrow, 112. 
wilt, A. D., 793. 
Wolkonsky, Prince, 37. 
Wood, T. D., 621. 
Woodward, C. M., 266, 594. 
wyckoft, Adelaide E., 792. 
Young, Ella F., 83. 
Zettler, Moritz, 670. 
Zimmern, Miss, 225. 
Parallel with practical life, 49. 
Parallelism between race development and 
that of the child, 822. 
Parana, Argentine, 323, 384. 
Parents unable to decide, 193 
Parez, C. H., 245. 
Parham, R. H., 246. 
Paris, France, 12, 26, 53, 68, 89, 118, 169, 
178, 211, 328, 383, 415, 456, 508. 520, 
589, 590. 
Parish, Ariel, 813. 
Park College (Mo.), 92, 681. 
Parker, F. W., 67, 189, 383, 408. 
Parker, Mrs. A. G., 509. 
Sarkersburg, W. Va., 509. 
Parkland, Ky., 324. 
Parks, C. Wellman, 92. 
Parks, gardens, and playgrounds for the 
poor, 615, 641. 
Parkville, Mo., 92, 681. . 
Soy Italy, 90. 
Parr, S. S., 69. 
Parsons, David, 246. 
Parsons, W. W., 386. 
Part singing, when to be learned, 9. 
Partial question obstruct the view, 38. 
Participation, university, 67. 
2arties may come and go, 37. 
2artisanship and politics, 189. 
Pasadena, Cal., 90. 
Pascal in his Provincial Letters, 169. 
Pascall, Miss, 456, 503. 
Dass Christian, Miss., 527. 
Pasteur, 54. 
Patchogue, N. Y., 325. 
Paternalism, meddlesome, 184. 
“uthetic helplessness, to provide against. 
Patrick, G. T. W., 718, 715, 716, 725. 
Patrick, J. B., 224. 
Patrick, J. H., 178. 
Patriotic airs in school, 9. 
sentiment of, 7. 
question of, 164. 
Patten, President, 88, 146. 
Pattengill, 1. R., 69, 832. 
Patterson, Calvin, 246. 
Patterson, James IK., 526. 
Patton, Francis L., 92, 160. 
Paver, 1., 13. 
Paulson, Johannes, 90. 
Pauraux. A.. S08. 
Pavia, Italy, 90. 
>awel, Jaro, 11, 616, 
dawtucket, R. I., 180. 
>ayne, C. H., 88; 146. 
Payne, D. A., 14. 
>ayne, F. H., 616. 
2ayne, William H., 386, 832. 
Peabody, Endicott, 180. 
>eabody, Miss Mary I., 244, 284. 
>eabody, Selim H., 4, 16. 
deace and war, education that fits for, 21. 
deaker, Fred., 245. 
dearson, C. W.; 178, 234. 
eck, John II., 527. 
Peck, Tracy, 125. 
>eckham, Ingland, 245. 
Peckham, Geo. W., 70. 
Seculiaritics of higher education in United 
States, 48. 
Pedagogical chairs in a university, 414, 
Pedagogical museum, 53. 
of Kurope, 50. 
eminent, 52. 
university course, 29. 
in Uruguay, 57. 
degree of Doctor of, 384, 434, 436, 438, 
schools of, 414. 
basis of : child study, 718, 718. 
ella, Ia., 681. 
dennsylvania, 14, 69, 92, 179, 246, 325, 386, 
457, 509, 527, 591, 616, 681, 716. 
Pennsylvania College, 93. 
Pennsylvania School Jowrnal, 830. 
>eoria, I11., 13, 67, 507, 512. 
in rational psychology, 11. 
of dimensions, 88. 
a trained, needed, 117. 
Perez, Fern. Ferrari; 90. 
>hysical, 54. 
n teaching required, 8. 
fuller and higher, 162. 
transitional, the present, 141. 
of primary education, 164. 
Seriodicals, men in charge of, 134. 
of growth, 9. 
of character-forming, 81. 
Perkins, F. B., 815. 
Perpetua, Sister M., 180. 
Perpetuity, hope of, 34. 
Perrin, B., 126. 
Perry, Amos, 814. 
Perry, Jos. E., 180. 
Perry, Walter S., 457. 
Personal happiness and self-realization, 
198. : 
Personality. charming, 73. 
Dustalozzian, The, 828.

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