Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

‘om sec- 
id ends, 
. 85 
31, 93, 
Psychology, basis for, 713, 717. 
sducation in Sweden, 244, 289. 
policy, a settled, R0. 
sentiment, 191. 
high-schools, 190. 
should have supervision of private 
schools, 190. 
instruction in Italy, 907. 
2ublic opinion, enlightened, 20, 79. 
>ublie policy, a settled, 20. 
Public School, The, 820. 
Public School Journal, The, 829. 
Public schools, 
compulsory physical education, 11. 
of Chicago, 21. 
license to teach, 22. 
zoncerned in art study, 455. 
subjected to supervision, 190. 
needlework in, 911. 
Publication of text-books, 42. 
educational, 11. 
of college papers, 103. 
Pullman, Wash., 527. 
Punishments and rewards, 20. 
should model in clay, 8. 
slow pupils, 9. 
Pupils’ capacities, 195. 
Purdue University, 526. 
Pure mathematics, its educational value, 
Purinton, D. B, 92. 
of man served, 31. 
of aiding teachers, 72. 
of religion in school, 296. 
of technological schools, 525, 534. 
chief, of English professor, 172. 
and reward of educational journals, 835. 
Jurser, A., 68. 
of special callings, 18. 
definite industrial, 589, H97. 
Sutnam, Miss Alice H., 821, 824, 327. 
Putnam, Dr. Helen C., 10. 
Putney. Chas. B., 177. 180, 193. 
Quadrivium of studies, 152. 
Juakers, our friends, the, 182. 
requisite for teachers in music, 9. 
of teachers, 73. 
Juality, inferior, of instruction, 187. 
Quarles, James A., 631. 
Juayle, Mrs. O. M., 325. 
Juebec, Que., 12, 383, 407. 
Jueen’s College, Canada, 680. 
Quellenforscher, instinct of, 126. 
the Greek, 134. 
of personal experience only, 137. 
of morals, 144. 
Question of supervision, 190. 
fundamental, of higher education, 27. 
in elementary education, 28. 
tor discussion, 29. 
ethical and economical, 166. 
political, 166. 
Juevedo, Man. Ruiz de, 13. 
Quick, Rob. H., 185, 823. 
Quincey, 111., 824. 
Quito, Ecuador, 12, 89, 244. 
Quota, secondary education contributes, 
Quotation of Horace Mann, 183. 
Jvist, Ernst, 520. 
Rabanus, Maurus, defined arithmetic, 152 
characteristics, 6, 243, 272. 
composite, 22. 
Racine, 172. 
Racine, Wis., 70. 
Radinger, Joh. von, 12. 
Radley, Jos., 245. 
Raleigh, N. C., 527. 
Ramsay, Charles C., 190. 
Rand, Benjamin. 681. 
and, Th. H., 89. 
Randolph-Macon College, 70, 93, 681. 
Range, wide, of possibilities, 198. 
angoon, Burma, 68. 
Rankin, J. E., 91. 
of teachers, 35. 
>f labor, 45. 
of capital, 45. 
first among the nations, 53. 
Rape of the Lock, The,” by Pope, 173. 
Raphael, 36. 
Rapiport, Miss Julie, 89. 
aschdorft, J. C., 456. 
Rational order of general knowledge, 18. 
ational psychology 
in education, 11, 679, 693. 
perception in, 11. 
conception in, 11. 
Raub, A. N., 91, 
Raumer’s, von, ¢ Geschichte der Péda- 
gogik,” 822. 
Rawson, Louise B., 325. 
Raymond, B. P., 88, 91, 142. 
Rayson, Amy, 178, 180, 223. 
Reaction in favor of English, 169. 
a conventional study, 7. 
and writing in kindergarten, 821, 327. 
Greek and Latin at sight, 130. 
German and French at sight, 131. 
and writing, 715. 
association tracks, 715, 750. 
aature of education, 369. 
iniversities, 160.

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