Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

389, 599. 
6, 321, 
Saxony, school gymnastics in, 11. 
Seale of the sciences, 155. 
a unique, 65. 
in ** Daniel Deronda.” 138. 
Jchaefter, Charles A., 91, 713. 
Schaeffer, EB. M., 615, 616. 
Schafer, E. A., 715. 
Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 246. 
Schauenburg, E., 179. 
Scheer, Oscar, 617. 
scheme, proposed, a, 153. 
Schenectady, N. Y., 681. 
Schepel, Miss Annetta, 522. 
Scherer, H., 68. 
Schiller, 175. 
Schiller, Herm., 179. 
Schirmer, Dr., 246, 
Schlee, Dr., 179. 
Schmidt, Anna, 323. 
Schmidt, F. A., 616. 
Schoene, Dr., 456. 
of teachers, equivalent to graduate of 
high-schools, 79. 
affected by public games; 146. 
cannot be hoarded like gold and silver, 
instruction in normal schools, 8 
circles. degrees in, 159. 
3cholasticism, awakened philosophical 
sense, 193. 
Scholz, Bd., 12. 
secular, 28. 
population, 43. 
gymnastics, 11. 
savings-banks, 244, 286; samein France, 
244, 2817. 
weligion in, 244, 205. 
rural, 304. 
magic lanterns in, 314. 
10t a workshop, 198. 
center of intellectual life, 198. 
School age, 68. 
School and Home, 843. 
School Bulletin, The, 827. 
School Commissioner, The, 833. 
School district system, old-fashioned, 190. 
School Friend, The, 828. 
School of Arts, 147. 
School shop, Russian, 29. : 
School supervision, discussed bv Fitz- 
patrick, 71. 
School, The, 832. 
Sehool Visitor, The, 829. 
Schoolmaster, The, 179, 835. 
Schoolmaster (1'he) and Academic Journal, 
3choolroom, : 
application of psychology in, 7. 
musical exercises in, 9. 
French, 10. 
‘or neglected children, 244, 315. 
rural, 244. 
magic lanterns in, 314. 
of pedagogy, 415, 425. 
under same regulations, 192. 
not under same conditions, 192. 
submitting to outside examination, 192. 
ander same management, 191. 
of Bagdad, Damascus, Cordova, Sala- 
manca, and Toledo, 186. 
Schéppa, A., 68. 
Schornstein, R., 179. 
Jchottmiiller, Dr., 179. 
Schrader, Mrs, Henrietta, 822, 246. 
Schrader, William, 179. 
Jchreiber, G. L., 455, 472. 
3chroeder. Rosa, 824. 
Schubert, 9. 
jchulze, A., 508. 
jchulze, G., 179. 
schultze, Dr., 385. 
schumann, 9. 
Schumann, Dr., 179. 
jchurman, J. G., 5, 680, 703. 
jchuster, Hattie, 324. 
schwerin, Germany, 245. 
jchwicker, J. H., 179. 
as a study, 7, 20. 
>f law, 49. 
Lo take the place of empiricism, 104. 
ure and professional practice, 111. 
me year’s study in, 195. 
course of six years, 196.. 
iciences, theoretical and applied, 155. 
education created, 85. : 
professions, 9, 525, 554. 
resources, 100. 
Jisciplines, 110. 
method, 197. 
scientific men will not admit being in 
fault, 139. 
scope of science and art, 18. 
‘ist of vice-presidents, 12, 68, 90, 179, 
244, 385, 526, 590. 
national education in, 874. oo 
women students in universities, 8717. 
scotland Neck, N. C., 180. 
scott, Harriet M., 3806. 
Scott, William 11., HR7. 
jeougal, A. E., 68, 245. 
scovel, S. F., 92. 
jeranton, Pa., 180. 
Sereteovics, P., 90. 
Scrutiny, arguments that will not bear, 
jcudder, C. O., 679. 
studied in schools, 8. 
and painting, 456. 
ezawinska, Comtesse W. v., 90. 
Jeamann, Mrs. J. E., 324.

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