Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

Seath, John, 178. 
Seattle, Wash., 70, 180. 
Seaver, KE. P., 67. 
Secondary education, 
subjects of preliminary programme, 6. 
department of, 177, 181. 
of girls in France, 177, 211. 
time given to languages, 196. 
‘anguage be limited, 199. 
work different from normal schools, 384, 
zone through a transition, 181. 
in Cape Colony, 903. 
secondary schools, 
sheses on, 6. 
course of study, 6, 193, 284, 
oreparation of teachers, 8. 
ime given to languages, 196. 
anguage studies, 199. 
professional training for, 217. 
ilgebra or geometry, which should come 
first ? 221. 
classified, 194. 
Secondary teachers, separated by a gulf 
from college teachers, 181. 
Second-grade teachers, 41. 
Secret societies, 146. 
Secretary's report, 4, 15, 67, 87, 177, 243, 
321, 883, 455, 507, 525, 589, 615, 679, 
718, 787, £09. 
Secular schools, 28, 
to superintendent’s tenure of office, 77. 
of prosperity, 163. 
3ée, Camille, 846. 
Seelye, L. Clark, 91. 
Seelye, O. C.. 70. 
Seerley, H. H., 386. 
Seip, Theo. L., 93. 
Seldon, Anna B., 324. 
Selection of popular songs, 9. 
in education, 11, 680, 703. 
pure, 29. 
Self-correcting system of drawing, 456. 
Self-exaltation, inordinate, 162. 
Self-interest, immediate, 115. 
Selleck, Miss, 456, 505. 
Selma, Ala., 13. 
selwyn, E. C., 179. 
Sense, @sthetie, 29. 
Sentiment, public, awakened, 160. 
of church and school, 28. 
necessary, 120. 
Series of works of great masters, 8. 
Serious injury, 124. 
Serrano, Emilia, 90. 
Serrurier, Gust., 244, 287, 314. 
Servia, 90. 
Seventh, dominant, 713, 720. 
Severance, Sara Li., 825. 
Sévres, France, 823. 
Sewall, J. A., 836. 
Sewall, J. B., 180: 
Sewall, Mrs. Mary Wright, 179. 
Sewanee, Tenn., 93, 716. 
Sexes in separate institutions, 101. 
Seymour, I’. D., 128. 
shafer, Helen A., 91. 
Shakespeare, 170, 171. 
appreciated best from the Greek point 
of view, 129. 
shaler, N. S., 527. 
Shaping international life, 40. 
shanghai, China, 89. 
sharp, Robert, 91. 
sharpless, Isaac, 93. 
sharpsburg, Pa., 508, 520. 
Shattuck, Prof., 525. 
shaw, Edw. R., 884, 436, 715. 
shaw, Mrs. Quincey A., 591. 
shawan, J. A., 67, 68, 78. 
Sheats, 67, 69, 78. 
sheffield, England, 68, 245. 
sheflield Scientific School, 99, 525. 
shelbyville, Ky., 177, 178, 192, 205, 224. 
sheldon, KE. A., 5, 883, 820. 
shell, J. K., 617. 
shelley, 170. : 
is out-and-out Greek, 128. 
shelton, Henry, 244. 
shenton, F. K. I., 590. 
shepard, Irwin, 4, 5, 16, 324, 386. 
shepherd, H. E., 93. 
sherman, Tex., 825. 
sherwin, Thos., 813. 
sherwood, Jamaica, 885. 
shields, Sallie P., 824. 
Shimer, Edg. D., 246, 884, 444. 
shindji, Tsudji, 18. 
Shinn, Miss Millicent, 715, 773. 
Shipp, Scott, 527. 
Shippensburg, Ind., 885. 
shirley, Lina G., 324. 
shirreff, Emily A. E., 821, 823, 360. 
for slow pupils, 9. 
and drawing, 525, 567. 
shorey, Paul, 88, 137, 138, 679. 692. 
instruction, 10. 
seaching morals and manners through 
it, 10. 
Shortridge, A. C., 831. 
Shortridge, Superintendent, 79. 
shoup, F. A., 716. 
Shoup, W. J., 841. 
shreveport, La., 324. 
shrewsbury, England, 179, 245. 
Shuji, Tsawa, 246. 
shurtleft College, 91. 
Sibley College, 525, 565. 
Sibley, la., 824. 
sickel, J. F. C., 246. 
sidney, 170. 
siemering, Dr. R., 456. 
sieve, a superb, is Greek, 185. 
of the new movement, 18,

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