Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

Townsend, H. S., 246. 
I'racks in reading and writing, 715, 756. 
Tracy, F., 713, 787. 
Tracy, J. L., 842. 
Trainer, John, 839. 
Crainer, Mrs. J. C., 824. 
of kindergartners, 7. 
professional, of teachers, 7. 
what degree of, 7. 
kind of, 7. 
angineers, 10. 
of teachers in high schools (Sweden), 16. 
for duties of citizenship, 278. 
or model schools, 383, 887. 
of the hand, 18. 
injurious. 131. 
tor scientific professions, 525, 554. 
physical, for criminals, 615, 646. 
physical, for deaf-mutes, 616, 674. 
>f the human body, 6i5, 623, 
in commercial college, 791. 
[raining of the hand, a sign of the timc, 
Training-school, Inglish, in Bosnia, 900. 
Transfer of teachers, 80. 
Transferring pupils, 86, 
Transient characteristics of mind, 29. 
Transition of the mind, 28. 
Transitory teacher's work, 87. 
of Greek, 126. 
extempore, 174. 
T'rautwetter, Katharine, 325, 
Treat, J. P., 829. 
Treatise, scientific, 61. . 
Trenton, N. J., 69, 246, 384, 336, 432, 713. 
I'reudly, Superintendent, 713. 
Iributary to kindergartner’s training, 522. 
Triennium, three years’ residence, 156. 
Trinity College, 92. 
Tripod, natural, human and divine, 48. 
Trivium of studies, 152. 
Trocadero in Jackson Park, 24. 
Troy, Ala., 823, 885. 
Troy, N. Y., 92, 527. 
Trustees, members of the board of, 193. 
primitive, 11, 
its discovery and use, 152. 
Truths, great, 322. 
T'ibingen, Germany, 89. 
Tueson, Arizona, 526. 
Tufts College, Mass., 91, 617, 681. 
Tufts, James H., 630. 
Tufts, J. A., 180. 
I'nlane University, 69, 91, 179, 825, 526, 
554, 616. 
Tunbridge Wells, England, 225, 245. 
Tunis, Tunisie, 12, 53. 
Tupper-Maynard, Mrs., 718. 
Lurin, Italy, 10, 12, 90, 245, 615, 623. 
I'urnbull, W. P., 245. 
Turner, Isaac J., 617. 
I'urner, H. M., 18. 
Turner, R. W., 844. 
North American, 11, 615, 657. 
and the normal schools, 11. 
its history, 657. 
aims and achievements, 657. 
Tuscumbia, Ala., 302. 
Lutors in high-schools in Sweden, 62. 
Lutwiler, Julia S., 385. 
I'weed, B. F., 246, 818. 
[wist, fatal, of the thinking faculty, 169. 
Cyler, Chas. M., G81. 
universities be of ‘one, 104, 
of education, 139. 
of great art works, 8. 
of manhood, 28. 
of womanhood, 28. 
of errors, 73. 
in biology, 153. 
in business colleges, 10. 
and stenography, 798, 
I'ypical facts, 44. ; 
Typical normal school work differing from 
secondary and higher education, 8. 
Tyrone, Ps.. 825. 
Ueberschaer, Max, 245. 
Jellner, Dr., 159. 
Jhlig, G., 179. 
Jnconscious of danger, 73. 
life of American students, 6, 88, 142. 
examination of, 119, 
Iniform examinations, 41. 
secured, 383. 
in Germany, 157. 
Union of kindergarten and primary school, 
321, 336. 
Union Iédagogique, 850. 
Union University, 681. : 
United Kingdom, mixed practice in, 183. 
[Tnited States, 
State legislation for physical education, 
list of vice-presidents, 13, G8, 90, 179, 
246, 823, 885, 457, 509, 526, 590, 616, 
680, 715. 
cities of, 21. 
scientific education in, 385. 
public instruction shall endure in, 87. 
forty-four republics in the, 89. 
school savings-banks, 244, 286. 
academic learning in, 129. 
institutions granting degrees, 159. 
Jnity and peace of mankind, 20. 
Jniversal education, 118. 
Universal Educator, The, 828. 
Jniverse, the whole, 176. 
Tniversities, G. 
American. 95. 

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