one type ? 6, 104, 108.
European, 51.
participation, 7.
professional preparation of teachers, 8.
of the United States, 51.
their condition, 96.
-elation to advancement of civilization,
Scottish, 877.
division of labor in, 109.
different faculties, 109.
specialization in, 109.
ancient organism, 110.
atmosphere, 116.
Jegree a prerequisite, 112.
aducation of women, 853.
association of women, 865.
sducation distinguished from collegiate,
fellowship, 107. :
its relation to professional schools, 146.
Jniversity College, Oxford, 680.
University College, Liondon, 715.
University departments formed by normal
schools, 424.
University extension, the new movement,
University of Alabama, 52, 90.
University of Atlanta, 91.
Jniversity of California, 52, 87, 104.
University of Chicago, 87, 88, 91, 108, 118,
i27, 132, 187, 141, 168, 177, 193, 679,
Tniversity of Cincinnati, 87, 92, 108, 150.
Jniversity of Colorado, 87, 680.
University of Denver, 90.
University of France, 118, 119.
University of Illinois, 526.
University of lowa, 91, 716.
Jniversity of Michigan, 11, 87, 92, 128,
133, 164, 243, 260, 680.
University of Mississippi, 681.
University of Missouri, 679, 7 16.
University of Nebraska, 87, 108.
University of North Carolina, 92.
University of North Dakota, 92, G81.
Jniversity of Notre Dame, 715.
University of Omaha, 92.
University of Oregon, 631.
University of Pennsylvania, 93, 99, 681,
University of Rochester, 681.
University of South Dakota, 93.
University of Southern California, 680.
Jniversity of St. Lawrence, 92.
University of Texas, 681.
University of the City of New York, 92,
. 384, 715.
University of the Northwest, 681.
University of the South, 93, 716.
University of Turin, Italy, 87, 615, 623.
University of Vermont, 716.
Tniversity of Vienna (Austria), 509.
Tniversity of Virginia, 617, 716.
Tniversity of Wisconsin, 93, 716.
Tniversity of Wooster, 92, 681.
Jniversity of Wyoming, 93.
Tniversity P. O., Cal., 680.
Tniversity P. O., Miss., 681.
Jniversity P. O., N. D,, 681.
Upper Alton, 111., 91.
Uppingham, England, 179.
Upsala, Sweden, 01, 90.
Jpson, Dr. Anson J., 14.
Jrsinus College, 681.
Jruguay, 13, 16, 56, 63, 179, 246.
h ruguayan Horace Mann, 57.
of magic lanterns, 244, 314.
of symbolism in kindergarten, 355.
of truth, 152.
of instruments in teaching singing, 507,
Jtah, 325, 527.
Jtica, N. Y., 69, 825.
Ttilitarianism of life, 110.
Jtility, doubtful, 191.
TJtrecht, Netherlands, 179, 885.
Utterings, idealistic, 175.
Vacancies, temporarily filled, 8.
Vaile, I. O., 826, 839.
Valencia, IB. C. de. 590.
Talencia, Spain, 179.
Valparaiso, Ind., 324.
Value, educational,
of observation work in normal schools,
of hand work in kindergarten, 7.
of technological studies, 9, 27.
of applied mathematics, 9.
»f engineering, 9, 525, 558.
»f pure mathematics, 10.
of industrial education, 10.
»f business education, 10.
»f university extension, 18,
»f laboratory work, 27.
»f workshop practice, 27.
yf manual education, 64.
seonomic, 81.
»f elementary schools, 244.
»f social virtues, 278.
of kindergarten songs, 321, 331.
»f handwork, 322.
of practice work in training-schools, 883,
»f Greek, 125.
»f exact measurements, 525, 558.
of applied mathematics, 525, 526, 560,
codrdinate, 198.
vanderbilt University, 93, 617, 681.
Vandewalker, Nina, 325.
Jankirk, Mrs. M. S., 325.
Tan Meter, John B., 716.
Tan Scoy, W. 'T'., 886.
Tan Winkle, FF. J., 886.