Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

Washington, Va., 591. 
Waste, mental, 713, 725. 
Waterford, Ireland, 245. 
Waterman, R., 525, 551. 
Watertown, N. Y., 325. 
Waterville, Me., 91, 179. 
Waterville, O., 681. 
Watson, IH. G., 616. 
Watson, John, 680. 
Watt, W. B., 507, 512, 513, 519, 522. 
Wax modeling, 8. 
Wayland, Francis, 98. 
Wayland, H. L., 14, 832. 
Weak teachers, 72. 
Weakness of childhood, 77. 
Webb, W. R. J. M., 180. 
Weber, Carl Maria von, 9. 
Weed, Charlotte H., 325. 
Weed, Miss Ella, 92. 
Wegmann, Heinrich, 323. 
Weimar, Germany, 12. 
Weir, Edw. E., 681. 
Welch, Miss E., 90. 
Welch, J. P., 386. 
oy Superintendent Lane, 16, 31. 
sympathetic and cordial, 56. 
Welfare, general of the U. S., 187. 
Welldon, J. E. C., 179. 
Wellesley College, 91, 617. 
Wellesley College school of music, 509. 
Wellesley, Mass., 91, 180, 509, 617. 
Wellington, New Zealand, 12, 456. 
Wells, D. Franklin, 841. 
Wells, Mrs. D. B., 179. 
Wells, Wm. H., 813. 
Welsh, Mrs. S. L., 324. 
Wertheimer, J., 526. 
Wesleyan University, 88, 142, 630. 
Wesleyan University (I1L), 91. 
West, A. F., 5, 88, 185, 150, 154, 155. 
West, Mary A., 328, 837. 
West Chester, Pa., 386. 
West Point and Annapolis, 186. 
West, the change in, 35. 
West Virginia, 70, 509, 527, 681. 
West Virginia University, 681. 
Westcott, O. S., 837. 
Western Academician, The, 828. 
Western college, 91, 681, 699. 
Western liberal education, 153. 
Western Maryland College, 616. 
Western, Mrs., 718. 
Westernport, Md., 246. 
Western Reserve School Journal, The, 
Western Reserve University, 92. 
Western School Journal, The, 28, 844. 
Western States, 32. 
Western University of Pennsylvania, 092, 
Westerville, O., 92. 
Westminster, Eng., 385. 
Westminster, Md., 616. 
West, Newton, Mass., 246. 
Neston, E. P., 817, 818. 
Neston, Or., 386. 
Vey, H. D., 11, 617. 
Veyer, 0. W., 841. 
Veyrauch, Dr., 12. 
Wheatley, Ella M., 325. 
Wheaton College, 88, 135, 145. 
N heaton, Ill. 91. 
Wheeling, W. Va., 67. 
Wheelock, Carrie M., 325. 
Wheelock, Lucy, 324. 
Vhig and Democratic party, 166. 
Nhipple, Prof., 88, 135. 
Whitaker, Geo., 92. 
White City, an annex to International 
Congress, 23. 
White, E. E., 69, 244, 295, 828. 
White, Emma W., 825. 
White, H. C., 526. 
White, Miss IT. M., 90. 
White, John S., 180. 
White, Jos. E., 180. 
White, President, 95. 
White, S. H., 885. 
Vhite Springs. ¥la., 385. 
Vhitehead, Katherine, 325. 
Vhitewater, Wis., 325, 380. 
Vhitford, Wm. C., 93. 
Vhiting, Edith G., 324. 
Vhitlock, Miss Lucy, 322. 
NV hitman as a biologist, 135. 
"hitman, B. L., 91. 
“Thitman, C. O., 127. 
hitman College, 93. 
Thitman, Mrs. O. A., 325. 
Vhitmore, Eva B., 324. 
Vhitney, C. L., 832. 
Vhitney, Geo. H., 180. 
Vhitney, W. D., 91. 
Vhittier, Frank N., 616. 
Nichita, Kan., 824, 509, 681. 
Wichita University, 681. 
Nickham, E. C., 179. 
Niener, Dr., 12. 
Nife as business woman, 10. 
Niggin, Mrs. Kate D., 821, 322. 325. 
Nilberforce College, 92. 
Wilberforce, O., 14, 92. 
Nilborn, Miss T., 245. 
Nilder, W. H., 91. 
Niley, Miss, 821. 
Viley, W. H., 69. 
Nilhelm, J. S., 180. 
Nilkins, Daniel, 834. 
Nilkinson, A., 456. 
psychology of, 11. 
in children, 11. 
of the people, studied by lawyers, 187. 
Willamette University, 92. 
Willard, Miss Frances E., 13. 
Willard, Samuel, 246, 837, 833. 
Willard, S. P., 246. 
Willets, Edwin, 13. 
Nillets. Miss Mary, 615, 641.

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