William Jewell College, 92, 681.
Williams College, 617.
Williams, G. H., 386.
Williams, H. H., 681.
Williams, Miss 1.. A., 713, 715.
Williams, Mary; 324.
Williams, S. G., 384, 440.
Williams, Talcott, 135.
Williamstown, Mass., 617.
Williman, Claudio, 179.
Willimantie, Conn., 823.
Wills, Miss C. E., 457.
Wilmavth, Mrs. H. M., 4, 13, 23.
Vilmington, Del., 69, 179, 323, 509, 615,
Wilmington, N. C., 246.
Wilson, Baroness de, 90.
Wilson, Miss E. C., 90.
Wilson, EK. II., 179.
Wilson, KF. H., 829.
Wilson, Mrs. L. P., 325.
Wilson, R. I., 386.
Wilson, S. R., 245.
Wilson, Woodrow, 87, 112.
Wilt, A. D., 798.
Wiltse, Sara E., 324.
Winchell, Alex., 832.
Winchell, S. R., 836."
Winchester and Eton, 37.
Winchester, Ky., 13.
Windermere, Eng., 245.
Ninn, J. B., 246.
Ninona, Minn., 324, 386.
Vinship, A. E., 68, 83, 713, 772, 820.
Ninston, Geo. F., 92, :
Wisconsin, 32, 70, 93, 325. 386, 681, 716.
Wisconsin State Normal School, 713.
Wise, Hon. Geo. D., 14.
Wise, Henry A., 883, 406.
Wise, Superintendent, 68.
Withdrawal from school, 85.
Wolf, Chas. I1., 841,
Wolfe, J. C., 843.
Wolfe, 1.. E.. 69.
Wolkonsky, Prince Serge, 4, 18.
Wolverhampton, England, 245.
teaching a primary class, 36.
equal to man, 101,
Womanhood, type of, 28.
Woman’s College of Baltimore, 716.
Woman’s influence, 22.
business, the world’s need of, 800.
educational work for, 887.
and girls in India, 890.
1 England, 853.
their education in New Zealand, 883.
Women students in Scottish universities,
Women teachers, their university associa-
tion, 865.
Wonder, look with, at our secondary
schools, 181,
Wood, A. P.. 840.
Wood, De Volson, 526, 586.
Wood, instruction in, 10,
Wood, Miss Ida, 93.
Wood, Stella S., 324.
Wood, Sir Truman, 16.
Wood, T. D., 10, 615, 616, 621.
Woodbridge, W. C., 812.
Woodbury, Prof., 525, 553.
Noodland, Cal., 90.
Noodruff, Mamie R., 824.
Noodson, Adda, 825.
Woodward, C. M., 243, 266, 526, 582, 586,
589, 591, 594, 597, 605.
Woodward, KE. K., 842,
Woodward, Wm., 591.
Woodworth, H. B., 651.
Wooster, O., 92, 681,
Worcester, Elwood, 716.
Worcester, Mass., 11, 91, 177, 178, 180,
199, 207, 224, 243, 268, 883, 8:6, 527,
591, 681, 713, 717, 718.
Words of retrospect and forecast, 862.
Wordsworth, 170.
Wordsworth is Greek in sympathy, 128.
of poor teachers, 7.
in laboratory, 9.
which is eternal, 84.
in secondary and higher education, o84,
Workman, W. G., 508.
Norkshops, practice in, 9.
industries make new demands, 589, 594.
need of business women, 800.
Norld’s International Congress of Educa-
tion, I.
secretary, 16.
Worms, Germany, 68.
Worrall, John M., 681. -.
Wright, Cornelia R., 825.
Wright, John S., 833.
Wright, Ramsey, 89.
2 conventional study, 7.
beautiful, 78.
essential in course of study, 243, 251.
and reading in kindergarten, 821, 827.
Wundt, W., 680, 705.
Wundt, his psychology of the will, 11, 680,
Wiirzburg, Germany, 89.
Wyatt, H. D., 70.
Vyckoff, Miss A. E., 713, 762.
Wylie, Mary J. B., 325.
Wyoming, 14. 70. 93.
Vale College, 88, 91.
Yale University, 88, 91, 99, 125, 126, 127,
128, 132, 455, 476, 525. 680.