Less than half a century ago the name of the great apostle of the new
education was one of derision. The old man whe played with the little
children was called by the villagers ¢“ the old fool.” To-day we meet to
honor that name as that of the prophet of a spiritual freedom which we
have at last begun to realize. One of the most important of the many
departments of the International Congress of Education is that of the
conference of the followers of Froebel. In this New World we have seen
the light of that star in the east, and have followed reverently and
earnestly to the birthplace of divine truth and divine childhood, and seek
for more light and clearer insight. To-day we hold out both hands in
welcome to all who gather here. It is a great joy to take the hand of those
who have known the immediate followers of the great apostle—those who
nave wandered through the same paths in the fields, rested under the same
skies, been surrounded by the same associations and local experiences. We
say to them : Tell us of the everyday life and words of the master, that we
may feel more deeply the inner life from which this great truth sprang
nto material expression.
To those who have come from across the sea, who speak the same
language as ourselves, as well as to those of other tongues, we extend the
welcome of members of one family, to sisters and brothers, separate- in
space, different in customs. but one in spirit and desire. We pray that
this conference shall be a season like Pentecost of old, when each, whether
of our own land or the dweller beyond the sea, shall hear in his own lan-
guage the things of the living spirit.
Our German friends say of us in this country that we do not run or leap,
we simply fly, and therefore we are in danger of losing sight of the solid
foundation on which all permanent building must be based. We acknowl-
edge our danger, and say, Give to us of your insight, and your wealth of
personal expression of the great apostle, that our rapid action may still be
rapid, and at the same time safe, because we have material landmarks to
guide us. Mothers and little ones love the Mutter und Kose Lieder, but
few educational people have felt all its marvelous power, or seen it as the
wonderful interpretation of child growth and instructive mother-love.