Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

. Wilber- 
‘onal Bap- 
ee on Edu- 
FIRST DAY’S PROCEEDINGS—3 o’cLock P.M. JULY 25, 1893. 
TaE first general session of the International Congress of Education was held in the 
Hall of Columbus, in Memorial Art Palace, Chicago, at 38 o'clock p.M., Tuesday, July 
25, 1893. It was called to order by Hon. Charles G. Bonney, President of the World's 
Jongress Auxiliary. 
Rev. F. A. Noble, D.D., of Chicago, opened the meeting by prayer. 
President Bonney, of the World’s Congress Auxiliary, gave an address of welcome. 
Among the eminent educators upon the platform there were present the following : 
Yeneral John Eaton, ex-Commissioner of Education, U. 8S. A.; Dr. Stephen Waetzoldt, 
Professor in the University of Berlin ; Dr. Dittmar Finkler, Professor in the University 
»f Bonn ; Dr. L. M. Térngren, Director of Royal Central Gymnastic Institute, Stock- 
holm ; Prof. L. Dimscha, St. Petersburg University, Russia ; Dr. Selim H. Peabody, 
Chief of Department of Liberal Arts, World’s Fair ; Prince Serge Wolkonsky, Delegate 
of Russian Ministry of Public Instruction ; Dr. Edwin Osterberg, Delegate from Sweden ; 
Dr. N. G. W. Lagerstedt, Delegate from Sweden; M. B. Buisson, Delegate from 
France ; Dr. G. W. Ross, Minister of Education, Ontario, Canada ; John Millar, B.A. 
Deputy Minister of Education, Ontario; Dr. N. A. Calkins, Chairman Board of Trus- 
tees of National Educational Association, New York ; Prof. Irwin Shepard, Secretary 
National Educational Association, Winona, Minn.; Dr. B. A. Hinsdale, Professor of 
the Science and Art of Teaching, University of Michigan ; Dr. James C. Mackenzie, 
Lawrenceville, N. J.; Dr. E. Ribera, Professor of Institute de la Universidad, Valen- 
cia, Spain; Dr. J. M. Harper, Quebec; Dr. Paul Hoffman, Assistant Superintendent of 
New York City Schools ; William Jenkins, Superintendent of Illinois School Exhibit, 
Mendota, Ill; Zalmon Richards, Washington, D. C.; William A. Obenchain, Presi- 
jent of Ogden College, Bowling Green, Ky. 
The Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows, Chairman of the General Committee of the Educa- 
tional Congress, gave additional words of welcome. 
Mrs. Charles Henrotin, Vice-President of the Woman’s Branch of the World’s Con- 
gress Auxiliary, gave further words of welcome ; Mrs, Henry M. Wilmarth, Chairman 
>f the Woman’s General Committee on the Educational Congress, followed. 
Dr. Selim H. Peabody, Chief of the Department of Liberal Arts, extended the welcome 
m behalf of the ¢ White City” in Jackson Park, and invited the members to visit the 
Liberal Arts Building at 8 o’clock p.M., Thursday, July 27th. 
Hon. William T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education, and chairman of 
‘he committee appointed by the National Educational Association to take special 
charge of the International Educational Congress. which opens this day, presented the 
Report of the Committee. 

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