Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

TrE Congress of Professional Training of Teachers met in the Memorial Art Palace, 
Wednesday, July 26, 1893, at 9.30 a.m. Dr. E. A. Sheldon, Principal of the State 
Normal and Training School, Oswego, N. Y., was the President of this department. 
The opening address was delivered by Dr. Sheldon. The Value of Practice Work in 
Model and Training Schools,” was the subject cf a paper by Miss Fanny S. Guptill, of 
Minneapolis, Minn. 
Dr. J. W. Cook, Principal of the Illinois State Normal School, spoke of the difficul- 
ties in securing uniformity because of the varying conditions. He contrasted the work 
»f Miss Guptill with that in the normal school under his charge. He urged that a year 
be spent in professional training before the students begin practice in the model school. 
«How should Normal School Pupils acquire Methods of Teaching ?”’ was the sub- 
ject of a paper by Signor Giacomo Oddo Bomapéde, director of a normal school in 
Alvellino, Italy. The paper was read by Mrs. C. L. Place, of St. Paul, Minn. 
« Methods of Training Teachers at the Westminster Training College, England,” 
was the subject of a paper by Joseph H. Cowhan, Head Master of Methods in the West- 
minster Wesleyan Training College. 
A discussion followed the preceding papers, in which the following persons took 
part : Mr. Jobn Millar, Deputy Minister of Education for Ontario, Canada; Mr. 
Henry A. Wise, Superintendent of Schools, Baltimore, Md.; Dr. J. M. Harper, In- 
spector of Superior Schools, Province of Quebec, Canada ; Miss E. P. Hughes, Principal 
of the Training College for Teachers, Cambridge, England ; John Hull, President of 
‘he State Normal School, River Falls, Wis.; Superintendent Francis Cogswell, Cam- 
oridge, Mass.; and Col. F. W. Parker, Cook County Normal School, Ill. 
« Important Necessities in Present Normal Schools,” by George W. Walton, State 
Agent of the Board of Education of Massachusetts, was the theme of the next paper read. 
Dr. E. A. Sheldon occupied the chair, Thursday, 9.80 A.M. 
s¢ Gradation of Normal and Training Schools,” was the subject of a paper by Thomas 
Kirkland, Principal of the Normal School, Toronto, Canada. 
« Historical Development of Normal and Training Schools in France »—a paper by 
Eugene Martin, director of a normal school in Paris—gave a history of normal 
schools in France. 
« Normal Schools in the State of New York,”” was the subject of a paper by Francis 
J. Cheney, Principal of the State Normal School. Cortland, N.Y.

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