Tue Department Congress of Physical Education meet in Hall No. 26 of Art Palace.
Jr. BE. M. Hartwell, Director of Physical Training, Public Schools of Boston, presided.
This session was called to order at 9.30 A.mM., July 26th.
The Chairman made the opening address.
The first paper read was by Dr. T. D. Wood, Professor of Hygiene and Physical Train-
ing, Leland Stanford Jr. University, Palo Alto, Cal., on ¢ Some Unsolved Problems in
Physical Education.”
An abstract of a paper on * Training of the Human Body,” by Dr. Angelo Mosso,
2rofessor of Physiology, University of Turin, Italy, was read by Dr. Luther Gulick. of
Springfield, Mass,
This paper was discussed by Bergman Oesterberg. Dr. George W. Fitz said the inves.
sigations of Dr. Lombard oppose the conclusions of Dr. Mosso. Dr. Sargent empha-
sized the necessity for gymnastic experiments to corroborate or disprove the results of
ohysiological inve tigations in the laboratory.
Dr. George W. Fitz, Instructor in Physiology and Hygiene, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass., read a paper on * The Psychological Aspect of Exercises with and
without Apparatus
This paper was Jiscussed by Baron Nils Posse, Boston ; Mrs. M. A. Harper, of Texas.
Dr. J. Gardner Smith, Special Instructor Physical Training in Public Schools, New
York City, read a paper on ‘‘ Physical Exercises for School Purposes—How Selected
and Graded.”
A paper by Dr. Tait McKenzie, director of McGill University Gymnasium, Montreal,
Canada, on ‘“ The Regulation of Athletic Sports in Colleges,” the writer being absent,
was not read, but was presented for publication.
The session was called to order by the Chairman, Dr. E. M. Hartwell, at 9.30 AM,
July 27, 1893.
‘English Experience in Providing the Poor of Cities with Parks, Gardens, Gym-
nasia, and Playgrounds,” by the Earl of Meath, London. In the absence of the author,
his paper was read by Miss Mary Willetts, of Wilmington, Del.
‘Physical Training of Criminals,” by Hamilton D. Wey, M.D., State Reformatory,
Elmira, N. Y., was read by the Secretary, the writer not being present.
[t was discussed by Dr. Sargent, by Baron Nils Posse, and Dr. E. M. Schaeffer.
“The North American Turner-Bund —Its History, Aims, and Achievements,” by