Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

by Election. 
Texas ............H. C. PrRIcHETT... Huntsville. 
Arkansas.........JUNIUS JORDAN...Pine Bluff, 
North Central Division. 
Jhio ...eveeve.. J. A.SHAWHAN... Columbus. 
mdiana ......... JESSE H. BRowN.. Indianapolis. 
Mlinois ......... ™.L. STEELE.....Galesburg. 
Wichigan.,..... = A.STRoONG .....Ypsilanti. 
Niscousin...... “PERT HarDY.. La Crosse. 
OW& .vevannn. ¢. LAYLANDER. Cedar Falls. 
dinnesota..... 3. DENFELD.... Duluth. 
dissouri..........'s. J. BucHANAN . Kansas City. 
Jorth Dakota .. 
3outh Dakota... 
Kansas . 
North Atlantic Division. 
Maine........... JORTHELL..... Gorham. 
New Hampshire. 2. RounDs.....Plymouth. 
Vermont ........ “. BEARD ......St. Albans. 
Vassachusetts. . !, SHELDON ...Boston. 
Rhode Island... roCcKWELL. , Providence. 
Connecticut ... N. Camp...New Britain. 
New York..... BARDEEN. ..Syracuse. 
New Jersey ... .. BUTLER ....Paterson. 
Pennsylvania.....u.v. WALLER, JR. Harrisburg. 
South Atlantic Division. 
DElAWATE, cvvernresenmnnns se vsssanne 
Maryland.. ......JoAN E. McCann. Baltimore. 
Dist. of Columbia. Wu. T. HARRIS.... Washington. 
Virginia. ....coeei on veninnnneainen, 
West Virginia ....W. H. ANDERSON. . Wheeling. 
North Carolina ...RoBERT BiNarHaM.Asheville. 
South Carolina ...W. B. LANIER. ....Brunson. 
Mlorida........ .FrEDERIC Pasco..Jacksonville, 
N. WiLkiNsoN. . Emporia. 
Western Division. 
dontana .........R. G. Youne......Helena,. 
Nyoming........ WM. MARQUERAT.Laramie. 
Yolorado .........R. H. BEcas ......Denver. 
Jew MEXICO, ounnuueoennernnnens aun. 
PW 0 7/70) 11: PR 
Jtah.............dJ. F. MiLLsPAUGH. Salt Lake City. 
TeVAdA ieerriniriarinniniiins cena 
[6 52% Uo J 
“ashington......F. J. BARNARD....Seattle. 
regon .......... BE. B. MCELROY... . Salem, 
talifornia . ..,FARL BARNES .....Menlo Park. 
South Central Division. 
Kentucky ........ HENRY RHOADES. . Frankfort. 
Tennessee........ FRANK GoopMAN. Nashville. 
Alabama .........SorovoN ParLmER. East Lake. 
Mississippi....... DABNEY Lipscome.Stockville. 
Louisiana .... ...A. A. TRENBY,...

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