Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

Tducation, Elementary schools, 
in Cape Colony, 903. sheses on, 7. 
aational, in Scotland, 874. oreparation of teachers, 8. 
in convents, 879. what branches in, 27. 
of women in New Zealand, 883. zourse of study, 243. 
fiducation (monthly magazine), 820. aspects of curriculum, 243. 
Education Physique, 849. special work in, 243, 273. 
Education Weekly, The, 831, 832, 836. Elements, 
Hducational national, 40, 
value (see Value). additional, 72. 
publications, 11. particular, 156. 
>xhibit, 16. Eligible list, approval of, 79. 
methods and ends, 43. tliminating the bad, 72. 
journals, 71. Iliot, Charles W., 91, 189, 195. 
system of Sweden, 244. iliot, George, 170. 
.deas of Confucius, 308. flizabeth, N. J., 69. 
principles of Froebel, 360. ilizabethan-Stuart period, 128. 
practice, 150. ilkader, I11., 324. 
work for women, 887. fllensburg, Wash., 246. 
tiducational Disseminator, The, 828. illiott, C. H. B., 245. 
fducational journalism, 810. <llis, John M., 716. 
in New England, 811. Zlmira College, 509, 681. 
in New York, 826. dlmira, N. Y., 11, 509, 681. 
in Ohio, 828. ilston, A. M., 90. 
in Indiana, 829. Oly, Richard T., 93. 
in Michigan, 831. imblem of solidity, 48, 
in Illinois, 833. Zmblematic or symbolic studies, 7. 
in Towa, 840. imergency, how to meet the, 18. 
.n Missouri, 842. {merson, Alf., 466, 473. 
in Colorado and Kansas, 843. f{merson, C. W., 617. 
in France, 845. imerson, George B., 813, 819, 
Educational Notes and Queries, 828. “imerson, Ralph Waldo, 95, 170. 
Educational Voice, 840. Bmery, J. Q., 386. 
Educationalist, The, 844. dmigrant vessels, 188, 
Bducationist, The, 830, 831, 844. Eminent educators, 42. 
fducators, eminent, 42. Emory College, 91, 680. 
fddwards, Richard, 69, 8835, 837, 842. Emphasis laid on discipline of mind, 168. 
“fficiency of the schools promoted, 42. Emporia, Kan., 386, 681. 
dgypt, 245. Encyclopedia Britannica, 45, 824. 
fhler, Geo. W., 616. Encyclopaedia 
Jichhorst, Herm., 90. of natural information, 44. 
Jisenach, Germany, 328, 385. of right, 50. 
ditner, Dr., 178. of education, 57. 
Elberfeld, Germany, 179. studies, 109. 
Elder, E. C., 825. ind of education, 44. 
Eldon, James, 386. inde, Prof., 456. 
Eldridge, E. R., 385. {ndowment, 
Electrical science, 133. mental, 20. 
Glegance in the use of English, 127. of universities in Chicago, 30. 
flement, of a university, 148. 
Iramatic, of kindergarten songs, 821, inds, educational, 43, 44. 
331. Inebuske, Claes J., 617. 
utilitarian, 135. {nergies, 
Llementary a nation’s, 163. 
branches, 268. unexampled, 184. 
course, essentials in, 266, ‘nergy to cultivate graduate work, 385. 
nstruction, 6. inge, Switzerland, 246. 
sheses on elementary instruction. 6. fingel, Peter, 681. 
programme, 27. Engineer, process of training an, 526, 
drawing, its sesthetic aim, 455. 569. 
ilementary education, Ingineering, 
subjects of preliminary programme, 6. its educational value, 9. 
department of, 243, 247. as an art, 18, 
-n England, 870. as a calling, 18. 
in Cape Colony, 903. ralue of, 525, 526, H58, 583.

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