Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

an educational question in, 27, 
popular education in, 28. 
list of vice-presidents, 12, 68, 89, 179, 
244, 883, 456, 509, 526, 590, 616, 650. 
higher education, 94. 
secondary education, 117, 191, 217. 
high-schools for girls, 178, 225. 
professional training, 217. 
Froebel’s principles in, 360. 
methods of training teachers, 883, 401. 
self-correcting system of drawing, 500. 
university education for women, 853. 
elementary education in, 870. 
Englewood, Ill., 179, 246, 323. 
Englewood, N. J., 178, 180, 235. 
as a study, 7, 43. 
the language of the world, 64. 
literature, 7, 168; uninterrupted, 170. 
facility, accuracy, and elegance of, 127. 
process of thought, 170. 
blood, 170. 
point of view, 173. 
experience in providing for parks, etc., 
615, 641. 
orphanage in Bosnia, 900. 
English, Gertrude C., 456. 
Enloe, Hon. B. A., 14. 
Enos, J. L., 840. 
of the young child, 28. 
of those who know Greek, 132. 
of a body of teachers, 193. 
Entrance of woman into the educational 
arena. 22. 
Enunciation, musical, 9. 
Epithalamion, by Spenser, 173. 
ipochs of childhood, 28. 
Equality, international, 38. 
Bquilaz, Cesar de, 385. 
Bquilibrium, unstable, 160. 
Kquipment of business-college teachers, 10. 
Rquivalent of the German trienniam, 157. 
Bra, Graeco-Roman, 161. 
Fradicate natural differences, 20. 
‘ras in the history of our country, 166. 
Erdmann, Carl, 90. 
[irichsen, John Erie, 89. 
firie, Pa., 591. 
Erlham College, 91. 
in musie, corrections of, 9. 
serious, 19. 
in teaching, 72. 
Krskine College, 93. 
Espinosa, R., 244. 
Esprit de corps, 71. 
Essay, French, by every candidate, 172. 
Rssence of civilization, 163. 
Bssential branches of the elementary 
course, 6. 
in a course of study, 243, 251. 
what should be added to, 266. 
Jsslingen, Germany, 385. 
Istimate of man, 163. 
and civic instruction, 28. 
element, 47. 
questions, 166. 
of industrial instruction, 10. 
in man and education, 47. 
can we teach it? 47. 
Itiquette, social, 7. 
ton and Winchester, 37. 
Ston College, England, 179. 
ton, Eng., 179. 
Jucken, Rud., 89, 
Sudo, Hidesaburo, 244, 808. 
fugene, Or., 681. 
Great Powers of, 30. 
continental, 50. 
and American ways, 48. 
system, 109. 
civilization. 139. 
the semi-barbarous, 152. 
dvans, John, 509. 
dvans, Lawton B., 323. 
Tvanston, I1l., 13, 91, 177, 191, 205, 241, 
246, 323, 616, 715. 
Tvening session, July 25, 16. 
dversole, W. S., 180. 
Tvil, most destructive, 70. 
of the business college, 10, 788. 
zosmic, 46. 
of liberal education, 88, 150. 
sf the school of pedagogy, 425. 
means something, 154. 
moral, of the child, 713. 
Evolution of Dodd, The,” 838. 
4wers, Viola M., 324. 
iwing, Prof., 526. 
Txact measurement, value of, 525, 558. 
of expression, 185. 
of thinking, 135. 
of kindergartner in secondary studies, 7. 
of teachers, 7, 29. 
'n Sweden, 61. 
written, 74. 
prescribed, 185. 
of 5,000 children, 715, "750. 
ixcellence, artistic, 163. 
Ixception taken to one remark, 192. 
Ixcesses of a few, 144. 
Ixcusing pupils from music, 508, 522. 
Ixecutive Committee of the National Ed- 
ucational Association, 32. 
Txecutive heads of institutions, 158. 
mechanical, in musie, 9. 
‘acilities for out-door exercise, 11. 
vithout apparatus, 615, 626. 
shysical, for school, 615, 631.

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