Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

m, 12. 
146, 323, 
in, 22, 
6, 272, 
. 590. 
31. 94, 
Johnston, James H., 386. 
Johnston, John, 815. 
Johnston, W. P., 91. 
jolly, William, 245. 
jones, Anna T., 325. 
jones, Edward N., 386. 
Jones, Hiram K., 715. 
Jones, Jane L., 325. 
fones, J. Viriana,. 90. 
jones, Li. H., 69, 243, 257. 
jones, R. C., 90. 
Jones, Stephen A., 92. 
Jordan, C, M., 591. 
Jordan, D. Starr, 88, 135, 137, 155. 
Joseph, Frére, Superior-General, 12. 
Josseraud, M., 12. 
Jost, M., 68, 
Journal Anglais, 849. 
Journal de Famille ou Levre des Enfants, 
Journal (Le) de I Ensesgnement Primazre, 
Journal des Instituteurs, 847. 
Journal for Literary Institutions, 812. 
Journal of Education, The, 68, 819, 831. 
Journal of Pedagogy, The, 829. 
Journal of the Rhode Island Institute of 
Instruction, 813. 
educational, 12, 810, 
in New England, 811. 
ts purpose and reward, 825. 
in New York, 826. 
in Ohio, 828. 
in Indiana, 829. 
.n Michigan, 831. 
in Illinois, 833. 
in Towa, 840. 
in Missouri, 842. 
in Colorado and Kansas, 843. 
in France, 12, 845. 
Joynes, lidward S., 180. 
Judge, legist and lawyer, 49. 
Judson, H. Pratt, 91. 
Junge, Fr., 12. 
Junghenn, Th., 68. 
Jungk, Miss A., 245. 
Jurare in verba magistri, 61. 
Kazan, Russia, 90. 
Kean, Jennie E., 325. 
Keane, John J., 138, 16, 43, 161, 679, 700, 
Keats, 174. 
tried to become a Greek, 128. 
Keelhoff, Adrien, 590. 
Keenan, Hon, Sir Patrick J., 13. 
Keller, Helen, 244, 302. Co 
Lelley, S. Rosella, 825. 
{ellogg, Eva D., 821. 
Cellogg, 1. B., 844. 
Lellogg, Martin, 87, 90, 104. 
{elly, Mrs. A. K. Holt, 823. 
{eltie, T. Scott, 13. 
{empin, Mrs. Emilie, 90. 
endrick, A. A., 91. 
{ennedy, D. A., 180. 
{entucky, 13, 91, 324, 886, 526, 681, 
{entucky University, 91. 
<enyon College, 92. 
enzo, Koyama, 528, 590. 
Sern, John A., 681. 
Serr, D. R., 92. 
{err, John, 68. 
{err, John G., 590. 
{ershaw, Wm., 180. 
{essler, Dr., 68. 
{essler, J. L., 681. 
Cetwich, I. D. van, 246. 
{eystone Normal School, 589. 
(harkof, Russia, 90. 
{iddle, H., 57. 
(iel, Germany, 12, 68. 
{ilbon, Geo. B., 591. 
(ilbourn, Geo. B., 589. 
Cimball, Mrs. A. P., 324. 
{mball, J. E., 509. 
{imball, Lida M., 825. 
instruction, 7. 
adjustment to primary school, 7. 
characteristics of, 7. 
should it teach reading and writing? 7, 
321, 827. 
songs and their dramatic element, 7, 
organic union with primary school, 7, 
321, 336. : 
symbolism, justifiable, 7, 322, 355, 356. 
training of teachers, 8, 41. 
a sign of the time, 18. 
is here to stay, 22. 
what it attempts, 28. 
changes in plays and games, 321, 328. 
songs, 321, 828, 331. : 
in Germany and America, 822. 
workers abroad, 322. 
18 a basis for life, 822, 346. 
aducative value of hand work, 822. 
story-telling in, 822, 351." 
in Austria, 366. 
teachers of two kinds, 412. 
{indergartner, preparation for, 344, 
Kaemmel, O., 178. 
Kalamazoo College, 92. 
Kalamazoo, Mich., 92, 324. 
Kalken, H. van, 590, 
Kambli, L. W., 323. 
Kanda, Naiba, 90. 
Kansas, 13, 69, 824, 386, 591, 681. 
Kansas City, Kan., 18, 617. 
Kansas City, Mo., 67. 
Kansas Educational Journal, 844. 
Kant, quoted, 150. 
Kappes, J. H., 508, 520, 521. 
Karlsruhe, Germany, 12, 245. 
Kasson, Frank H., 821. 
Kattenbusch, Fred.. 89.

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