y. 16.
24. 356.
, 7? 178,
Law, Mary E., 325.
Law schools in the U. S., 49.
Lawrence, KH. A., 815.
Lawrence, Kan., B23, 553.
Lawrence, Mr., 507, 514, 520.
Lawrence University, 681.
Lawrenceville, N. J., 177.
Laws of muscular and nervous fatigue, 11.
Laws, Miss Annie, 822, 591.
Laws, Prof., 679, 680, 686, 699.
Laws, S. S., 842.
Lawyer, judge, and legist, 49.
Lawyers’ agency, 187.
Leach, Daniel, 814.
in thought, Dr. Harris, 40.
of higher education, 95.
upon public questions, 166.
Leak, Mrs. M. E., 323.
Leander, Chas. W., 509.
Learning, the new, 113.
Leavell, Rich. M., 681.
Leavenworth, A. E., 819.
Leavenworth, Kan., 324.
Lebanon, Tenn., 93, 681.
Lebanon Valley College, 92.
LeBeuf, Helen Josslyn, 823.
Leblane, M., 307.
I? Echo de I Enseignement Primaire, 848.
ueciere, Leon, 89.
7 Eeole Francaise, 848.
> Education Chrétienne, 848.
I? Education Nationale, 848.
Lee, B. F., 14.
Lee, Josephine P., 323.
Lee, S. D., 527.
Leeds, England, 245, 591.
_eeuwarden, Netherlands, 246,
Lefevre, Walter, 681.
education in U. S., 16, 48.
science not a collection of terms and
codes, 49.
philosophy, 49.
enactment with regard to degrees, 158.
Legard, A. G., 245.
Le Garde, Miss, 615, 660.
proper, secured, 190.
enforcement of, 190.
Legislators, slow, 115.
Legist, judge, and lawyer, 49.
Jeguizamon, H., 384.
wehigh University, 716.
Leibold, Anton, 617.
leicester, England, 245.
"eipzig, Germany, 89, 178, 323, 590.
“Leisure for disinterested culture, 188.
Leiter, Mrs. F. W., 617.
Leland Stanford, Jr., 99.
Leland Stanford Jr. University, 10, 67,
90, 120, 822, 355, 446, 615, 713, 715,
[J Enseignement Secondaire des Jeunes
Filles. 846.
Leonard, N. R., 840.
Leonard, Tex., 825.
.e Roy, J. J., 246.
zerrurier, G., 53.
seslie, James R., 883.
_essing’s Laocoén and Dramaturgie, 128.
read, 126-135.
by Cowper, 173.
Levasseur, M. E., 89, 94, 455.
Lewis, Dr., 679, 699.
“ewis, Elenor H., 324.
Lewis, Mrs. M., 325.
Lewis, W. H., 842.
Lewiston, Me., 509, 681.
Lexington, Ky., 91, 324, 526.
Lexington, Va., 70, 93, 527, 617, 681.
Libbey, C. E., 92.
education, 6, 150.
.raining of teachers, 41.
antecedent, 12.
now stimulated, 117.
sulture in many directions, 136.
what constitutes a, 150.
siberal Arts Building, 4.
siberality, great, 165.
\iberty, Mo., 92, 681.
Libraries and museums, 97.
Library of pieces of music, 9.
Licenses of teachers, 7, 22, 119.
candidates for the, 119.
in arts, 119.
ick Observatory, 108.
Lieber, Francis, 94.
siege (Liittich), Belgium, 89.
derre, Belgium, 384.
sife, its utilitarianism, 110.
ight and shade in drawing, 8.
ight at the beginning and end, 170.
ightner, J. E., 508, 520, 523.
sikenesses among men, 155.
ille, France, 53, 168, 169.
illey, George, 527.
of theart of painting, 8.
of business college instruction, 10.
of the special schools, 194.
_incoln, Neb., 69, 92, 325.
LJindenau-Leipzig, Germany, 616.
Linguistic and literary education, 141.
Link between child and university, 22.
[2 Instituteur, 847.
I Instituteur Pratique, 848.
1 Instruction Primaire, 847.
Lion, J. C., 616.
isbon, Portugal, 13.
sisburn, Ireland, 245.
Lists of vice presidents, 12, 68, 89, 178,
244, 323, 584, 456, 526, 590.
Liszt, Franz v., 89.
Literary Advertiser and Public School
Advocate, 840.
Literary degrees, 156.