Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

_ 805. 
5, 831. 
32, 188, 
‘en, 30. 
19, 526, 
, 137. 
means more than citizen, 161. 
means more than producer, 163. 
\lanagement, judicious, 193. 
Manchester, Alb, J., 814. 
Manchester, Ingland, 90, 245, 456. 
Manchester, N. L., 509. 
lanchester, Pa., 78. 
Manhattan College, 92. 
Manhattan, Kan., 591. 
higher type of, 144. 
large view of, 167. 
Manitoba, Canada, 384. 
Mankato, Minn., 715. 
Mankind, happiness of, 66. 
Mann, B. Pickman, 321. 
Mann, Horace, 56, 183, 186, 812, 832. 
unobtrusive, 74. 
of influence, 164. 
Manners and morals taught through short- 
hand, 10. 
Manning, Agnes M., 341. 
Manning, Miss E. A., 823. 
Mansfield, O., 508, 528, 617. 
of object lessons, 57. 
of methods, 57. 
Hanual, 1'he, 841. 
anual training, 
systems of, 10, 589, (G04. 
Swedish or sloyd, 10, 589, 599. 
Russian, 10, 589, 604. 
for boys and girls, 10. 
what grades of primary school, 10. 
in grammar schools, 10. 
what branches, 28. 
special schools for, 53. 
a separate building for, 193. 
and instruction, 589. 
Manual-training school in Chicago, 589. 
Manuel Général, 847. 
Manuel Général de I Instruction Primazre, 
Manufacture, branches relating to, 6. 
Manufacturer, his needs, 18. 
Manuscript, a student’s, rejected, 157. 
Marae, C. G., 179. 
Marble, A. P., 243, 268, 591. 
Marcy, Governor, 188. 
Marianna, Ark., 179. 
slarietta College, 92. 
Marietta, Ga., 179. 
Marietta, O., 92. 
Mark Hopkins, 95, 107. 
Market, text-books put on the, 42. 
Marquette College, 681. 
Marsh, T. P., 92. 
Marshall, G. K., 841. 
Marshall, James, 91. 
Marshall, J. W., 245. 
Marshall, Mr., 508, 519. 
Marshall, Mich., 69. 
Martel, Felix, 590. 
Martin, Alex., 715. 
Vartin, Kugéne, 53, 383, 415, 589. 
Martin, Mrs. BE. H., 67, 89. 
Martin, F. M., 386. 
Martin, George H., 246. 
Martin, John H., 91. 
Marvin, F. O., 525, 553. 
Marwedel, Miss Emma, 822, 372, 590. 
Maryland, 13, 69, 91, 179, 246, 324, 457, 
526, H91, 616, 651, 716. 
Maryville College, Tenn., 93, 679, 680. 
Maryville, Tenn., 93. 
vlassachusetts, 14, 55, 69, 91, 179, 246, 
324, 386, 457, 509, 527, 591, 616, 631, 
Wassachusetts Common School Journal, 
The, 812. 
Wassachusetts Teacher, The, 818. 
lasses, educate them, 43. 
lassey, John E., 70. 
lassinger, 174. 
Tasson, L., 526. 
as perfect as the Greek, 169. 
great, and their works, 8. 
Material of instruction, 151. 
Materials for modeling, 8. 
time devoted to, 6. 
applied, 9, 27, 525, 560; value of, 
pure, 27. 
two years’ study, 195. 
Mather, William, 590. 
Mathews, G. D., 179. 
datthews, Elizabeth K., 324. 
latthews, James, 245. 
datthews, W. S., 680. 
Tatthias, W., 178, 
lauck, Joseph W., 93. 
Taurelian, Brother, 13. 
of individual instruction, 191. 
of power, 193. 
Maxwell, Superintendent W. II., 5. 
day, S. I., 456. 
Mayfair, 111, 713. 
Mayfield, W. D., 70. 
Mayhew, Ira, 803. 
Mayhew, Nora D., 323. 
Maynard, Mrs., 679, G86. 
Mayo, A. D., 246. 
Mayville, N. D., 386. 
McAfee, Cleland B., 681. 
McAfee, L. M., 92. 
McAndrews, W. A., 507, 513. 
McBride, J. M., 527. 
MleCabe John A., 384. 
MieCabe, Lorenzo D., 716. 
McCabe, W, Gordon, 93. 
McCarty, H. D., 844, 
\cCosh, Dr. James, 5, 11, 87, 679, 630, 
632, 692. 
McCoy, Lulu, 456.

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