Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Elementary Schools. 
the wealthy communities, so that, largely at the expense of the rate- 
payers, schools have arisen that may vie with the best in other countries. 
Down to the present time, the school system in some German 
States, and among them, in the largest one, the Kingdom of Prussia, 
has not been regulated by comprehensive, uniform legislation. In 
Prussia, it is true, legal regulations have been applied to important 
branches of the elementary school system, but many questions re- 
main which, even at the present day, are settled by dispositions of 
the provincial governments, and by decrees of the Minister of public 
aducation. Although, in many respects, the introduction of uniform 
school legislation for all parts of the country is much to be desired, 
yet its absence has not been without some salutary results. For, 
under the circumstances, local authorities have been enabled to in- 
troduce inexpensive experiments and improvements in smaller, limited 
districts, which could never have been initiated by legislation appli- 
cable equally to all parts of the country. Among such experiments 
and improvements we may mention the teaching of mechanical skill 
wsloyd®) for boys, of housekeeping for girls, supplementary schools 
‘or backward children, as well as sanitary regulations, and medical 
~ontrol over all the pupils of the Elementary School. 
When, therefore, the outward organisation of the Elementary 
Schools shows various prominent differences, vet some larger features 
are common to them all. 
In all these schools the teaching is exclusively entrusted to 
reachers educated for their profession on strictly methodical 
ines, and certificated by the State. All these teachers, apart 
rom comparatively young probationary masters, hold permanent 
positions for life. They all have a right to a fixed salary, to super- 
annuation, and to provision for their families after their death. This 
security of position produces a class of teachers technically trained 
for their profession, tested in their knowledge and in their conduct 
of life, among whom sound pedagogical traditions can be handed on, 
new experiences can be gathered, and definite methods of teaching 
and education can be formed. The abundance of pedagogical 
periodical literature and books, the numerous scientific associations, 
the active participation of the teachers in the courses and series of 
ectures arranged for them by the local authorities, all this proves 
that the teachers are penetrated, not only by an esprit de corps that 
deserves recognition, but also by a most active striving after 
mental improvement.

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