Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Technical High Schools. 
promote a closer bond of similar aims and labours, while the joint 
interests are materially furthered by meetings of representatives of 
the various schools, at which questions of importance to all are fully 
2. Questions connected with the Subjects of Instruction. 
More than in the various faculties of the University, the separate 
branches of instruction in the Technical High Schools act and react 
upon one another, thus necessitating a strictly systematic building-up 
of the course of instruction as a whole. 
The various departments of Mathematical Science form the 
foundation of the whole structure. 
From the very beginning; Physics and Chemistry have been 
in the closest connection with technical teaching. 
Electro-technology stands in a most intimate relation to 
physical research, and owes its existence to the latter. Ohm’s laws 
for electric currents, those of Faraday for the action of induction, 
Joule’s law for the consumption of electric energy, formed the 
foundations of the grand modern applications of electricity to techni- 
cal operations. . The consequences of Maxwell's theory, and the ex- 
periments of Herz occasioned by it, led to the methods of wireless 
telegraphy, the importance of which cannot be finally estimated as 
yet. But electro - technology has also reacted on and promoted 
physical research. Not only do the physical laboratories, to which 
moreover have been added others for technical physics, operate 
with very different powers, but also conceptions have been variously 
adapted to the promotion of practical questions. 
Probably from the beginning, chemical research, as also in 
the case of University teaching, stood in the closest relation to 
practical purposes. Nevertheless, in this subject also, the technical 
tligh School will make those departments its special business, that 
are connected with technical operations on a large scale, and at the 
present time, in addition to the chemistry of dyes, anorganic chemistry, 
metallurgy, and most specially, as a branch of electro-technology, 
electro-chemistry, are acquiring a continually growing importance 
With respect to the constructive problems of the technical 
sciences, we may probably ascribe to the activity of the High

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