Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Technical High Schools 
Number of Students and Hearers. 
Civil + Mechan- 
Semester ~~. Archi-  Engi- ical Engi- 
tecture neering neering 
Chem- Phar- 
(ry 0 macy 
W.S. 1879/80 16(—) 14 (—) 
S. S. 1880 7(=) 14(=) 
W.S.1884/85 '0(2) 8(2 
5.5.1885 | '2(3)  8(1) 
W.S. 1889/90 | 13 (8) 20 (5) 
S. S. 1890 | 14. (6) 26 (6) 
W. 8. 1894/95 | 40 (9) 30 (5) 
S.S.1895 | 38(8) 193) 
Ww. S. 1899/00 | 50 (9) 39(2) 
S.S. 1900 [479 704) 
W.S. 1902/03 | 45 (8) 82 (8) 
S.S.1903 ! 39(7) 83 (7) 
26 (3) 23(—) 22(—) 
22(2) 23(—) 28(—) 
34 (13) 42(16) 31 (-) 
36 (14) 47 (24) °5(—) 
57 (27) 35 (15) 0 (—) 
54 (27) 47(18) 31 (—) 
151 (63) 62 (22) 1 (—) 
150 (55) 76 (21) 19 (—) 
241 (107) 53 (20) 46 (10) 
240 (116) 60 (23) 48 (10) 
218 (94) 75 (15) 51 (1) 
004 (84) 88 (21) 66 (2) 
43 (43) 
43 (43) 
47 (47) 
40 (40) 
36 (82) 
58 (50) 
‘6 (40) 
37 (32) 
"6 (36) 
18 (17) 
10 (40) 
29 (28) 
144 (46) 
147 (45) 
172 (80) 
179 (82) 
241 (137) 
230 (107) 
370 (139) 
369 (119) 
485 (184) 
483 (179) 
511 (166) 
500 (149) 
The numbers in brackets indicate the non-matriculated students or also the heaarers. 
Since the autumn of 1898 women have been admitted as hearers in the lectures 
on the History of Art and on Literary History, subsequently also in those on Philosophy. 
The number of women was: 
W.S. 1898/99 . 55 S.S.1899. . 45 W.S 1899/00 . 144 S.S. 1900. . 36 
W.S. 1900/01 . 122 S.S. 1901. . 49 W.S. 1901/02 . 129 S.S. 1902 . . 25 
W.S. 1902/03 . 97 S.S.19083 . ©. 8 
Summary of Receipts of the High School 
Entrance Fees, 
Lecture Fees, 
and other 
private Receints 
V ear 
878 14 040 
880 13 580 
885 12 680 
890 15640 
1895 28 230 
900 40 780 
903 71 130 
A Mlowance 
43 380 
43 900 
43 600 
38 530 
38 372 
20 970) 
56 960 
56 580 
39 240 
66 760 
79 152 
103 400 
Summary of State Expenditure (in Marks) 
for the High School 
1878 . . 171130 1880 . . 164220 1885 . 165 266.67 1890 . . 184730 
1895 . 194 430 1900 . . 220622 1903 . 228 562 
Extraordinary expenditure, especially that on building alterations, is not included 
n the above Summary.

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