Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

As the Universities in their faculties, the Technical High Schools 
comprise. in their departments several branches of study. But along 
with these, there are also institutions that are destined exclusively 
for the scientific teaching of separate technical subjects. Some of 
these subjects, such as mining engineering, forestry, the science of 
agriculture, are also represented in certain Technical High Schools, 
while agriculture is taught in several, forestry in a few, of the Uni- 
versities. The. special subject of veterinary science, on the other 
hand, is in the great majority of cases assigned to the Veterinary 
High Schools, while only in the University of Giessen there exists a 
special department for this subject in the medical faculty. An entirely 
new kind of institutions has sprung up in the shape of Mercantile 
High Schools. Three of these are independent establishments, only 
one, that in Aachen, exists as a department of the Technical High 
School there. 
These special institutions show their character as High Schools 
by imparting the highest scientific education in their subjects, and 
5y demanding of their students the same previous schooling as the 
Universities. Into most of them only such scholars are admitted as 
posses the leaving-certificate of a secondary school with nine classes, 
the others receive also those who have passed through only six 
classes, but in that case thev demand evidence of a previous prac- 
rical preparation. 
In the following remarks a few particulars are given as to the 
special High Schools at present existing in the German Empire.

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