Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Agricultural High Schools. 
ment institution in 1819. According to the regulations existing at 
present, the aspirants for the Forestry department of the Bavarian 
Civil Service, having obtained the leaving-certificate of a Gymnasium 
or of a Realgymnasium, must study for two years at the High 
School of Aschaffenburg, and another two years in the faculty of po- 
litical economy in the University of Munich. Teaching staff, 6 pro- 
fessors, 2 other teachers. Number of students, on an average 60 
(only 20 aspirants for the Civil Service are received vearly). Yearly 
expenditure 47 000 M. 
5. The Forestry Institution in Eisenach (Saxe-Weimar); 
founded in 1830 as a private establisment, government institution 
since 1850. Teaching staff, one director, 3 chief masters, 3 other 
teachers. Number of students, 45. 
3. Agricultural High Schools. 
The Agricultural High Schools serve the purpose chiefly of af- 
fording a scientific training for the heads of large agricultural under- 
takings, whether owners, tenants, Or managers. In several of the 
Universities (Breslau, Gottingen Halle, Konigsberg, Leipzig, Jena, 
Giessen) there are Agricultural Institutes, the aims of which are the 
same or those of the special High Schools. In the Technical 
High School of Munich there is a special department for Agriculture. 
For admission to the Agriculturul High Schools the qualification for a 
one year’s military service js required, that is to say, the passing 
through six classes of a secondary school, and through a two years’ 
practical course. The curriculum extends, as a rule, over two years, 
at the end of which the students can obtain their diplomas by passing 
an examination. The course of instruction embraces, partly general 
scientific subjects, such as physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, miner- 
alogy and geology, political economy, partly specially agricultural 
subjects, such as knowledge of management and valuation, of animal 
and vegetable products, of machines and implements, agricultural 
technology, knowledge of manures and feeding stuffs, etc. Special 
courses are held for the training of land-surveyors and of practical 
irrigators and drainers. Also the teachers in the higher agricultural 
schools can pass through their studies in these High Schools.

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