Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

1. Technical Schools. 
In the Technical High Schools admission to immatriculation is 
regularly made conditional on the possession of the leaving-certificate 
of a secondary School with nine classes. In this manner they are 
marked off from the intermediate Technical institutions, which require 
only the qualification for a one year’s military service, that is to say, 
the pupil must have passed through six classes of a secondary 
school. Many of these institutions accept a still smaller amount of 
preparatory general schooling, but all of them insist on the pupils 
having gone through some practical training in their trades. The 
lower professional schools for artisans, foremen, etc. demand onlv the 
previous teaching of the elementary school. 
1. The institutions that approach most nearly to the Technical 
High Schools are those that contain several departments, with a 
course extending to more than two years. This type of school is not 
represented in Prussia. Among those in Saxony may specially be 
mentioned the government Industrial Academy at Chemnitz, with de- 
partments of mechanical and chemical technology, of architecture, 
and of electro-technology. The conditions of entrance are the 
possession of the qualification for a one year’s military service, and 
(with the exception of the chemical-technical department) a previous 
one or two years’ practical course. The curriculum in the electro- 
technical department is one of eight, in the others of seven, 
semesters. The fees for subjects of the kingdom of Saxony amount 
to 80 M., for other Germans to 150 M., for foreigners to 250 M. per 
semester. The number of pupils in the winter of 1902/03 was 381. 
In Saxony there are also a few institutions which, according 
to their syllabus, likewise afford training for independent engineers, 
but in shorter: courses of five or six semesters. Such are the

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