Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

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lation. Since 1901, in Prussia, those with leaving-certificates of a 
German Realgymnasium and of a Prussian Higher Realschule, or of a 
German one that is on an equal footing with the latter, are admitted, 
not only to the study of all the branches of higher instruction, but also 
to enter into the faculty of law, when it is left to their own respon- 
sibility to acquire the necessary knowledge of the classical languages. 
The regulation of the medical examination is an imperial concern, and 
was lastly effected by a resolution of the Federal Council of May 
the 28th 1901. According to this, the leaving-certificate also of a 
German Realgymnasium is recognised for the whole Empire as suf- 
ficient for admission to the study of medicine, so that a knowledge 
of Greek is no longer unconditionally demanded. Those, however, 
who possess only the leaving-certificate of a Higher Realschule 
cannot be admitted, without further preliminaries, to the medical exa- 
mination, nor can they, in Prussia, at once be enrolled in the medical 
faculties, but they must, in a previous supplementary examination, 
give evidence of possessing a knowledge of Latin, to the extent re- 
quired of the pupils of a Realgymnasium. Only for the study of 
theology, Protestant as well as Roman Catholic, the leaving-certificate 
of a classical Gymnasium continues to be. also in Prussia. a ne- 
cessary condition. 
In addition to the full immatriculation, there is a so-called , little 
immatriculation, for which no leaving-certificate is required, but only 
some other kind of evidence of the existence of an education 
sufficient for following the lectures. 
Foreigners can matriculate in all the faculties, on showing 
sufficient previous schooling. Certain classes of persons, namely 
state and municipal officials, and people engaged in business, cannot 
matriculate at all, but may be admitted as temporary hearers. In 
Baden and Bavaria, women in possession of a leaving-certificate can 
matriculate on an equal footing with the male students. 
13. In addition to the fees for private lectures, the students 
aave to pay certain contributions, that flow into the University treasury, 
such as lecture-room fees, contributions to institutes (to be discharged 
by those who make use of the government institutes for medicine 
and natural science), payments for practical experiments (levied for 
those exercises which, on the part of those that share in them, entail 
a consumption of materials at the charge of the University). For 
these (usually moderate) contributions no delay or remission of pay- 
ment. as in the case of lecture fees. 1s allowable. For indicent

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