Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Secondary Schools. 
every hour, not merely in connection with the reading and incidents 
of daily life, but also on history, literature, and culture of the French 
French, in the Higher Realschule: In these schools the 
teaching aims at imparting a knowledge of the more important 
French writings of the last three centuries, insight into the gram- 
matical system of the language, some knowledge of the most im- 
portant sections of French literary and social history, and practice in 
speaking and writing. 
English, in the Gymnasium: Generally, the teaching aims 
at sureness of pronunciation, based on a firm command of the forms, 
at a knowledge of the more essential syntactical rules, and at a suffi- 
cient vocabulary, all based on practice in the oral and written use of 
the language; also at understanding some of the easier writers 
The practical knowledge thus acquired is intended to serve as 
a basis for further study. The chief syntactical rules are to be 
ireated inductively according to a brief compendium, everything else 
to be discussed in connection with the reading. At first a ,reader® 
may be used, but at least during the last year an appropriate author 
's to be read. 
English, in the Realgymnasium: Here the aim is the under- 
standing of the most important writings since Shakspere, as well as 
the oral and written use of the language. 
Reading occupies a central position during the whole course. 
[t comprises sterling modern prose writings in various departments, 
also specimens of oratory, and appropriate poems, especially select 
Shaksperean dramas. Special attention is to be paid to the pupil ac- 
quiring an idea of the particular character of English literature since 
Shakspere in its chief forms. Study of synonyms, style, and metre, 
as required, in connection with the reading. 
English, in the Higher Realschule: The aims of the teaching 
are here essentially the same as in the Realgymnasium. The larger 
amount of available time has to be devoted to a stricter grammatical 
training, to more comprehensive reading, and to more extended oral 
and written exercises; the latter may be, more so than in the Real- 
oymnasium, of an imitative character, and moreover extend to con- 
crete technical subjects, letters, etc. Special stress should be laid on 
pointing out the peculiarities of the English idiom, and on the ac- 
quirement of a more extensive. also technical. vocabulary.

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