Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Secondary Schools. 
mn Prussia, according to a rescript of the Emperor William II, 
of November the 26th 1900, the education imparted in the three 
zinds of institutions is considered as of equal value. Hence the 
former preference enjoyed by the leaving-certificate of the Gym- 
nasium, which alone entitled the possessor to admission to University 
studies, has, at least in Prussia, been almost entirely abolished. Only 
for the study of theology the previous schooling of the Gymnasium 
is still exclusively required; to the study of medicine also the holders 
of leaving-certificates of a Realgymnasium are admitted; to the study 
of law and to the course for higher-class teachers, in Prussia, not 
only those, but also the pupils of the Higher Realschulen. The ne- 
cessary knowledge of Latin they must acquire by private study. 
[f they wish to study medicine, they must previously pass a special 
examination in Latin. This special provision for medicine is based 
on the fact that the regulation of the medical examination is, as is 
aot the case with that for law students, a matter for the Empire, and 
not for the separate States. The other Federal States, however, have 
as yet not followed the example of Prussia with reference to the 
complete equalisation of the three kinds of institutions. 
The higher educational institutions are partly State, partly com- 
munal establishments. Many of the latter, however, receive subsidies 
‘rom the State treasury. The teachers have the character of direct 
or — at the communal institutions — of indirect state-officials. 
Hence, when once appointed, they can be discharged only by sen- 
tence of a disciplinary court, and have a claim to retiring pension 
and to provision for the family they leave behind. 
The permanently appointed, academically trained teachers are 
called ,,Oberlehrer* (senior masters), a number of them also have the 
itle of , Professor. Before their definite appointment they are em- 
oloyed as ,Hiilfslehrer® (assistant masters). He who wishes to be- 
come senior master, must have studied at least three years in a 
University (in reality the time of study mostly lasts four years or 
longer), and have passed a State examination. According to the 
Prussian regulations for examination of 1898, he must acquire the 
qualification, for at least one subject, for the three higher classes, and 
the qualification for two other subjects for the middle classes (up to 
lower secunda inclusively). After passing the examination, the 
candidates must employ one year in actual teaching, in a higher- 
class school, as ,seminarists®, and another year as ,Probekandidaten 
(probationary assistants).

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