Full text: A general view of the history and organisation of public education in the German Empire

Organisation of the Higher Girls’ Schools. 383 
knowledge is acquired mostly in teachers’ seminaries, many of which, 
aowever, are not government establishments, but under municipal or 
private control. According to the regulations in force in Prussia, the 
examination of the elementary female teachers is distinguished from 
that of the teachers in the intermediate and higher Girls’ Schools, by 
the fact that for the latter the acquirements in history and German 
literature extend somewhat further, and that French and English are 
added as subjects of examination. Also a special examination can be 
passed in these subjects. For the elementary female teachers Eng- 
lish, as a subject of instruction, is optional, French obligatory, but 
they are not required to be examined in them. As an introduction 
to the seminary there are in Prussia a few preparatory schools with 
a two years’ course. Other States have also for female teachers pre- 
paratory institutions of the same character as those for the male 
The curriculum of the three years’ seminary courses for female 
teachers in the intermediate and higher Girls’ Schools in Prussia is 
the following. 
Religion . . 
German : 
French . . 
English . . 
Arithmetic . 
distory . . 
Geography . . . . . 
Natural History and Physics 
Pedagogyl) . 
Drawing . . . 
Total || 30-1 | 2981/1 | 30l/. 
1) Besides one weekly hour of attendance at class teaching, and 5 groups of semin- 
ary practice with pupils. 
» 1/, hour = 1 hour every fortnight. 
3) There are three weekly hours of piano. violin, and organ, in which the semin- 
irv pupils take part alternatelv.

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