Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

080 Polygrafy Special libraries 
For sets or ‘ libraries * so constituted as not to be redily scatterd by subjects, and 
miscellaneous information; but clas in 803 literary questions and ansers, even tho not 
alfabetic. 080 includes works composed of several distinct writings, united in a single 
collection or series and other than periodicals, newspapers and collections of lerned 
societies. Collections conditiond by terms of gift on being kept together may be put 
here, but for preferable treatment of sets, see in Introduction, Assyning clas numbers, 
section 11, and Reference library. If limited to a special subject, treat like Phoenix 
library, but shelv the collection in a block before or after the regular books on the 
same subject; e.g. the Doe collection on Spanish painting, D759.6, would stand 
together, vet would be where it belongd with the rest of the books on that subject. 
Individual polygraty 
Complete or partial collections of an author’s works, treating of various subjects. If 
they treat exclusivly or mainly of one subject they ar clast with that sub ject 
Collectiv polygrafy 
Distinct works of several authors, treating of different subjects and publisht in a 
Libraries or series : 
Clas here only such as include several branches of knowledge 
Miscellanies, extracts etc." 
Clas here only such as include several branches of knowledge 
Official publications 
Official publications of countries, states, provinces, cities and other public bodies and 
powers may be clast together here but ar much better clast with subject treated or, if 
too general for that, with the body bv which thev ar issued 
Publications for various classes of readers 
Children’s literature 
Children’s collections may be clast here but ar much better kept as a separate 
collection markt J, the separate books being given their regular subject numbers 
(see section relating to Juvenils, in Introduction)

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