Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

For related topics, see Mental in Relativ index following Tables 
Works on psychology as applied to various subjects ar in general best clast with 
those subjects, but may be kept together here by adopting method used by Institut 
International de Bibliographie, to show subjects treated in relation; i. e. use of 
colon between numbers indicating such subjects; thus 150 may be followd by 
colon and number for the other subject; e. g. 150:37 Psychology applied to Educa- 
tion; 150:658 Psychology applied to Business management. As illustrated by 
150:37 above, when number which follows colon is printed in the Tables with 
final 0, the 0 may, if preferd, be dropt and the combined numbers written e. g. 
150:61 Psychology applied to Medicin, the same principle being applied to oo, 
e.g. 150:7 Psychology applied to Fine arts. Same psychologic relation (but with 
the emfasis laid on the other subject) may be exprest by converse arrangement of 
numbers, e.g. 700:15, 610:15, 658:15. Revision and expansion of 150 ar under 
way but ar not sufficiently developt for publicatiou in this edition 
Intellect Capacity for knowing 
Mesurements Tests 
[ncluding Intelligence tests. See also 371.26 Education mesurements and 
Animal psychology Comparativ psychology 
Better clast in general use under 501.51 
#4 . 
Sense Sense perceptions | 
See also physiology 612.84-.88 
Passiv or receptiv faculty 
Muscular sense 
See also 612.821 Physiologic psychology 
Activ or thinking faculty 
Conception The concept or notion 
Reasoning Induction and deduction 
See also 160 Log» 
Memory Reproductiv power 
See also 132.8 Mnemonic derangements 
Mnemonics Methods of aiding memory 
Imagination Creativ power 
Fancy Imaging power 
Intuitiv faculty Reason 
For reasoning see 133.0 
157 Sensibility Emotions Affections 
158 Instincts Appetites’ 
Isq Will

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