Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

Marian Anglican reformers by Mary A.D. 1553-58 
Elizabethan Later 16th century 
Persecution of Roman church by Anglicans . 
Quakers Baptists Witches Later 17th century 
Persecutions by puritans. See also 133.4 Witchcraft 
Other persecutions 
Por the history of special doctrins see 230-239, Doctrinal theology 
Gnostic First 3 centuries 
Reaction of pantheism and heathen philosofy on Christianity. See also 189.1 
Gnostic philosofy; 186.4 Neo-Platonism; 239.4 Apologetics 
Manichaism Parsee dualism 3d century 
Opposition of good and evil. Mystic. Ascetic. See also 149.3 Mysticism; 
248 Asceticism; 289.8 Shakers, Mystics 
That the Trinity is not of persons, but of successiv manifestations. About 250 
A. D. Held by Schleiermacher, Bushnell, Swedenborg 
Arian Denying divinity of Christ 4th century 
Pelagian sth century 
Denying original sin and supernatural grace 
Antinomian 16th century 
Denying force of law, under Gospel dispensation 
Molinist and Jansenist Pietists A. D. 1580-1700 
Port Royal. Augustine's doctrin of grace vs the Roman doctrin of good works 
Denying possibility of revelation. Holding that theology and the supernatural 
{ie outside the domain of human knowledge. See also 149.7 Philosofy; 211 
Atheism; 239 Apologetics 
Minor heresies 
274-279 General religious history by countries 
274-270 is divided geograficly like 940-990 
® o 
280 Christian churches and sects 
281-289.8 may be subdivided where needed like 940-999 
281  Primitiv and Oriental churches 
See also 270.1-270.3, Early religious history 
Apostolic church, to time of great schism, A. D. 1054 
Works of apostolic and Christian fathers here; use 270 for religious history of 
these periods. See also 229.9 Apocryphal books 
Primitiv apostolic, to end of first century 
Ante-Nicene, A. D. 100-325  Seealso 270.1 
Post-Nicene, A. D. 325-1054 See also 270.2-3 
Oriental churches 
Eastern or Greco-Russian or Holy orthodox church 
The great schism, mutual excommunication, A. D. 1054, separates the Catholic 
church into Eastern and Western churches. which from this time have separate 

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