Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

377 Religious, ethical and secular education 
Relations of religious to secular education, For inculcation as wel as actual 
teaching of definit ethical or religious doctrins see 375: e. g. instruction in 
duties of citizenship, patriotism 375.172, course in Christian evidences 375.239, 
Clas catalogs, history, etc. of a denominational school regardless of religious 
affiliation, but clas here books dealing in gencral with schools of a certain denomi- 
nation or order; c.g. educational system of the Jesuits 377.35. For Sunday schools 
see 268 
Religious instruction Bible in public schools 
[ncluding sectarian instruction or influence in public schools. Public school 
teachers in religious garb. Conscience clause of English elementary school 
code. Weekday religious education 
Ethical education 
Ethical training, without religious teaching, as advocated by ethical societies 
See also 170.7 Study of ethics; 375.17 Place of ethics in curriculum 
Monastic or abbey schools 
ficoles congréganistes. Divide like 271. See also 271 Religious orders; 
376.5 Convent education of girls 
Diocesan schools Cathedral schools 
Domschulen, stiftschulen 
Parochial schools 
See also 25% Parish educational work 
Missionary schools 
Establishment and conduct of schools as part of mission work, See also 266 
Charity schools 
Mainly for elementary education, See also charitable institutions 362.76 
Church and education 
Subdivided like 280; e.g. 377.82 Relation of Roman catholic church to 
education. Discussion of denominational schools or educational associations; 
2.2. 377.82 Association of Catholic colleges of United States 
See also 261.5 Church and intellectual development 
Nonchristian religions and education 
Subdivided like 290; e.g. 377.97 Relation of Mohammedanism to education 
378 Colleges and universities 
With power to confer degrees; also junior colleges. For men only and for both 
sexes. For women's colleges see 376.8 
Methods and curriculum 
Definition of college and university Aim 
Advantages and influence of college training; e.g. on business capacity 
College terminology, ‘ slang’ 
Including also student slang. See also 427, 437, etc. 
Academic periodicals 
Periodicals devoted to college and university interests. Those issued 
by colleges, schools, etc, ar scatter. either bv subiect or under college 
General college associations 
Association of New England colleges See also 370.6 
Associated alumni University clubs 
For alumni associations of anv one college, see T under college 
069 Duties of college men as such 
Obligations imposed by their greater knowledge

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