Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

542 Practical and experimental chemistry 
Manipulations Chemic operations For analyses see 543-545 
Interior construction and installation General arrangements For archi. 
tecture see 727.5 
Apparatus and manipulations For special apparatus see 542.379 
Manipulations Arrangements Procedure 
Preparation of substances 
Mechanic separation: trituration, pulverization, porphyrization; mortars 
and pestles, crushers, sifting and sivs. Disintegration by wetting heated 
mass. Levigation 
Laboratory receptacles and their accessories 
Por uses of receptacles see also various processes and operations 
Glas and quartz 
Beakers, bottles, flasks, retorts, test tubes, funnels, adapters, glas rods 
and tubing 
Glas manipulation: blowing, grinding 
Evaporating dishes, tubes, retorts. Refractory pottery: crucibles, plates 
Containers made of platinum, silver, iron, nickel, aluminum, etc. 
Supports Fixt, adjustable, wood. Triangles, tripods, clamps 
Stoppers Glas, cork, rubber Corkborers 
Rubber tubing Luting and cements 
Other appliances 
Mesuring apparatus 
Determination of weights and density 
Balances and weights Descriptions and directions for use 
Specific gravity apparatus Clas preferably in 532.4 
Determination of volume 
Mesuring volume of liquid Calibrated vessels Graduated pipets, burets 
and cylinders 
Heating Distillation 
See also 536.5 Mesurement and regulation of heat; 542.53 Blowpiping 
Heating with coal 
Laboratory furnaces: trof, cupola, reverberatory, tubular, cupel, blast 
Tube furnaces for organic analysis 
Heating with liquid fuels, etc. ~~ Lamps: special burners 
Heating with gas ; 
Coal gas, carburetted air, acetylene, etc. 
Fishtail and Bunsen burners: gas furnaces and grates; pressure regulators 
Indirect heating 
Baths and heaters: water baths; salt, metal and oil baths; metal plates of 
wire gauzes 
Electric heating 
Heaters, muffles and furnaces; kryptol furnaces 
See also 542.8 Electric and galvanic manipulations 
Melting, fusing, boiling. Vaporization, distillation. Distilling apparatus. 
alembics or stills. Deflegmators. Vacuum operations 
Evaporation with heat: sublimation, dessication. For evaporation in vac 
uum see 542.77 
Other heating operations 

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