Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

542.5 Flames Blowpipes 
See also 544.2 Dry methods of analysis; 669.9 Assaying 
SI Flame 
Nature of flame; candle flame; oxidizing and reducing flames 
.52 Coloration of flame 
Beads, colord beads Composit flames 
52 Blowpipes 
Varieties of blowpipes and how to use them 
For applications see Blowpiping in Relativ index following Tables 
.6 Aqueous and liquid treatment 
Dissolving, aqueous separation, levigation, etc; alcohol, ether, carbondisulfid, 
hydrocarbons, etc. 
Dissolving Solution 
Solvents, maceration, digestion, decoction, lixiviation 
Determination of solubility Supersaturation 
Supersaturated solution 
Lowering the solidification point or surfusion 
Dialysis Dializers 
See also qualitativ analysis 544.5 Dialysis 
Precipitation, crystallization, crystallizers 
Decantation funnels, Florentin receivers, syfons, pipets 
Filtration and filters 
Filtration with textils, with paper, thru cotton, asbestos, powders, ete. 
Hot filtration Filtration in seald vessels, bv suction, by compression 
Filter presses 
Expression and presses Drying of press residues; drying machines 
Washing Continuous, automatic; decantation, wash bottles 
Fas manipulation 
See also 545.7 Eudiometry 
Gas production 
Gas collecting and decanting 
Pneumatic trof, gas sampling-tube, gas pipets; displacement and decanting 
Washing and dissolving gas 
Wash bottles Apparatus for drying and absorbing gas 
Gas storage Gasometers, rubber bags 
Gas mesurement Graduated tubes, meters 
Rarefaction of gas 
Pumps: air, vacuum, mercury; blowing engins, bellows, suction gasometers 
manometers; vacuum regulators; trompes 
See also physics, 533.5 Air pumps 
Gas compression 
Seald tubes and bulbs, bellows, compression pumps, gasholders 
Gas liquefaction and solidification 
Faraday tubes Apparatus for expansion: of Thilorier; of Cailletet and 

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