Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

Nervous system 
Theory of nervous system and innervation 
Dynamogenesis and inhibition 
Action of nervous system on chemic fenomena 
Effect on morfogeny and evolution 
See also 612.605 
Peripheral nervous system Nerv fibers 
Distinction between sensory and motor nervs 
Ganglions of sensory nervs 
[nfluence of sensibility on movement and of move 
ment on sensibility 
Recurrent sensibility 
Electric fenomena of nervs and muscles 
Muscle-nerv experiments as indicativ of nervous process 
For muscle fenomena see 612.743 
Negativ variations 
Chemic and thermic fenomena of nervous stimu- 
For stimulation of nerv centers see 612.8222 
Physiologic morfology of nervous stimulation 
Sensory terminations 
Motor “ 
Irritability of nervs and muscles 
Nerv-muscle or nerv-gland physiology 
Action of electricity 
Theories of nerv waves 
Nervous conductibility 
Effect of blood on nervs 
Rapidity of nerv waves 
Nerv fatigue 
Action of chemic substances on nervous irritability 
Effect of nervs on muscles and glands 
Chemic substances Curare poisons 
Voluntary contraction 
Tonicity Atrofy of muscles after cutting nervs 
See also 612.7465 
Trofic nervs 
Degeneration, regeneration and cicatrization 
r Degeneration 2 Regeneration 3 Cicatrization

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