Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

636 Domestic animals Live stock 
.08 Zootechny 
The breeding and keeping of animals in domestication 
,081 Selection Economics 
.082 Formation of stock, races, breeding 
.083 Tare 
084 Feeding 
085 Tood; general questions 
086 Foods; divided like 633 
.087 Other foods 
088 Utilization and training 
,080 Hygiene Diseases 
Selection Economics, etc. 
Selecting and acquiring stock 
Of wild animals and of domesticated animals allowd to run wild. 
* Round up ”’ of western ranches 
Capture by snares, traps, nets, etc. 
% “ wepons, guns, etc. 
“ help of other animals, dogs, horses, ferrets, 
hawks, etc. 
Purchase Original cost 
Barter Horse trade 
Standards of excellence Points 
Soundness Imperfections Blemishes 
Estimating age 
Brands and branding and other marks of ownership 
Catalogs of brands 
Stock farms Ranches 
Descriptions of individual farms 
Finances and accounts 
Supplies, food, etc. 
Returns, yield, profit 
Weight tables 
Stock farm catalogs 
Catalogs of sales

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